Census access - free at public libraries (General)

by Jefff @, West London, Middlesex, Thursday, July 13, 2017, 00:03 (2803 days ago) @ Susan Bates

Hi Susan, only just spotted your post, so sorry if too late.
If you're in the UK, you can access Ancestry for free from your local public librairy. The Library Edition version doesn't give you access to all the features of the subcription version (eg family tree builder), but it does give full Census etc etc access including the actual images.
For example, here's my local library's take on it, they also have other useful websites that may be accessed, plus many other local archives and reference books etc. I'm lucky as it's the mainn central library for a large London Borough, so there's a dedicated "quiet" room with several pc terminals that may be pre-booked for sessions up to 2 hours long (it soon flies by !, especially while learning the system - they also run free tutored starter-sessions every month for newbies), but even small rural libraries have a few terminals for used by local residents.


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