Richard MORGAN & Elizabeth PRITCHARD (General)

by windriff, Sunday, July 30, 2017, 21:34 (2785 days ago)

Hi All,

I'm researching RICHARD MORGAN born abt 1800 who married ELIZABETH PRITCHARD b.1799. They married in Gloucester St Nicholas in 1824, then had 4 children baptized in Little Dean where they lived (Edwin, Emma Elizabeth, Ann & Elizabeth). In 1831 they sailed to the US to live in Albany, New York. Richard was not on the ship with Elizabeth & children but he was on the 1840 New York census with them. There was another Morgan family on the ship: William & Mary Morgan with their children (Mary, William, Henry, Richard, Juliana, James). Unsure if they were related, though I'm thinking they may have been acting as chaperone for Elizabeth & children.

There are 2 Richard Morgan lines that are being confused. My Richard was a "Nailer", which he continued to list as an occupation in the US. I'm unsure if my Richard has parents John & Mary Morgan, bapt. Sept 1800 in Little Dean. Richard & Elizabeth's marriage showed no parents but had witnesses Theophilus Woodcock & Jane Smith (I've found nothing on them that would help).

Family lore is that they were Welsh, Non-Conformists/Congregationalists, tended to be religious leaders (Reverends, etc), ?someone was from the Isle of Man. That is all that is known.

Looking for anyone with an idea of how to determine parentage. Dna help. Have good documentation from 1824 marriage onward but need to know parents in order to research further.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Amy in USA

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