FoD DNA matches (General)

by aussie @, Tasmania, Australia, Monday, August 14, 2017, 23:44 (2770 days ago) @ tkjensen

Hi Terri,
Wow, this is exciting! Lovely to hear from you and thank you very much for your reply. I've had a quick look on Gedmatch and can only see one kit with an email address of tkjensen. Is that your email address for DM's kit? I may also match your other kits, so please send me all your kit numbers. Gedmatch only displays 2000 matches and some of them are kits that people have entered two or three times which takes up space where other kits could be displayed. There must be over 2000 matches that we don't see on Gedmatch because of their limit. I was also told by Gedmatch that their default settings have to be lowered when doing some of the searches.

If my name is in a blue font on this forum post then you can click on my name and it will take you to my profile. Click on the envelope icon below my name to open the email program on this website. I hope that works. Kind regards, Aussie

Hello! I administer DNA kits for my mom and aunt, whose maternal grandparents both came from the Forest. Both kits are on as well as GEDMatch and FTDNA. I would love to share info. I think I should know how to do this, but I can't seem to find how to send you a private email. Help? Terri

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