cavenaugh/Brain (General)

by evepoppy, Tuesday, August 29, 2017, 16:02 (2755 days ago) @ cavender

Daniel Cavanaugh born 1787, Wexford joined British Army 1808 in Cork. 1809 marries Margaret King in Warwick. Margaret born 1788 Lydney. Posted to Guernsey with the 103rd regiment Dublin Fusiliers where son James born in 1811. Baptised by a french emigre priest, Father Navet. 1814 Daniel posted to Canada,second son Thomas born and baptised Quebec 1816. Discharged from army and returned to Forest where daughter Catherine born April 1820 and baptised at Bream (marries Enos Jenkins 1838 and emigrated to Schuykill, Pennsylvania). Living at Whitecroft, Daniel reverts to his trade as a stone mason.Between June 1820 and January 1823 Daniel disappears/dies as Margaret marries Thomas Beach at Awre but gives her name as King and condition spinster. Married Thomas Beach again in June 1823 stating her correct name and a widow. Thomas was about 12 years her junior. Their daughter Fanny was born 1826.Thomas Cavanaugh died 1830, buried Lydney. James Cavanaugh married Eliza Brain in 1832. Sons Thomas 1833 (unmarried), James 1835, Daniel 1837-48, William 1839-46, Fanny Brain 1843-46, Enos 1848-49, Catherine 1850 (marries Thomas Webster 1868, Sheffield). James married Mary White 1862, St James Church, Parish of St. Michael, Gloucester.Son Benjamin born 1863, Flaxley, Sons James 1867, Edward 1870 (unmarried), Thomas William 1873, Daniel 1876-97, John White 1877(marries Emma Wilkinson) born in Rotherham, Yorkshire.Benjamin and James emigrated to America, where they both married and have many descendants. Thomas William joined the army in 1890 and served in the second Boer War, being discharged 1902, he returned to work in Rotherham as a steel fettler and died in 1924 leaving a wife and young family of six children, a baby daughter had died. His family still live in Yorkshire.

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