Family research (General)

by kimmy-lou @, Friday, September 08, 2017, 10:16 (2746 days ago)

Hi everyone, firstly, I want to thank the members who helped me with my last thread on this family research...........

But i once again am looking for some help with a particular member of this tree, I want to make sure I havnt gone off on a tangent and got all over excited.

I have managed to get quite far back with this family tree so far and if i have gone in the correct direction, I have come to 1807 in Cold ashton.
The person in question is a Jonah Rawlings. He is my friends possible 4x great grandfather.

Im not sure if this is the correct person and I also wanted to ak for help with regards to this person as he has come up saying he was sent to Tazmania for 7 years for stealing a sheep off John Britton the Elder.

Below I will right in order the main rawlings men and their wives names so you can see the direction, im hoping someone could help me as ive looked at this until im cross eyed. I shall start from my friends grandmother, violet.

Thanks to you all once again

Kimberley x

Violet M Rawlings
Father - albert rawlings (1894-1967)
Mother - mary smart ( 1894 - 1974)

Albert rawlings (1894 - 1967)
Father - albert rawlings (1867 - 1931)
Mother - laura Jones - Blake

Albert RAwlings (1867- 1931)
Father - frederick rawlings (1836 - 1897)
Mother - sarah

*** this is where im not sure ***

Frederick Rawlings (1836 - 1897)
Father - jonas rawlings?
Mother - hannah rawlings?

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