Florence PEATE's husband - Frederick Eli BAKER b1911 Stroud (General)

by Jefff @, West London, Middlesex, Friday, September 22, 2017, 19:09 (2731 days ago) @ Dlg

Hi Dlg,
thanks so much for your replies, and your kind words, I just hope my findings are all completely correct as sometimes it's easy to go off at a tangent and make silly errors. It's really nice to hear abt your family and the area, I envy you living and driving around such an attractive part of the country (I have cousins living near you), I'm in traffic-locked West London so not quite so enjoyable.
I'll have a proper look at that link later-on.
Meanwhile have you seen this one, about the Spa pub from the excellent GlosPubs site, the page includes your Frederick Baker within the list of past landlords.

Thanks again.

atb Jeff

ps please don't forget to spend some time searching the rest of this great website, such as the old Documents, newspaper articles, pnotos and so on. Although your area is on the extreme edge of the Forest of Dean there will hopefully still be some items to interest you, as of course there will be about Pauntley and Dick Whittington.

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