Richard ELLEY/Previous thread (Parish Records)

by Brenda Hughes, Sunday, October 08, 2017, 18:37 (2712 days ago) @ MPGriffiths

My great grandfather Richard Elley was married to Elizabeth Davies in 1838. They never divorced but did separate after having two sons - Richard and John, and two daughters Eliza and Mary. John died in 1854 age 13, after a fall of iron ore at his fathers mine. Richard Senior met widow Emma Worgan, and set up home with her and her children who took the name Elley. They had a further four children, one of whom was my grandfather Albert Elley. According to the census's from 1851 onwards Elizabeth Elley lived as the head of the household, with her daughter/s. She was entered as a widow in the 1891 census. Emma and her children were by then living in the Pontypridd area. There is no evidence of a marriage between Richard and Emma. The Gloucester CC Archivist explained that there must have been something wrong in their relationship in that Richard and Elizabeth did not divorce but local people accepted that he was living out of wedlock with Emma. I have estimated re. the info. from the census's etc. that Richard would have died between 1881 and 1891. He was considerably older than Emma.

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