Voll Mill Pauntley (General)

by nimrod, Monday, October 09, 2017, 15:21 (2715 days ago) @ sianb

Correction. Vell Mill is at Dymock, not Pauntley. Sorry!

The Mills Archive describes it as a bone mill on the RIver Leadon.

britishhistory online states that it was known as the mill in the field (de la felde)in the 13th century and had gone out of use by the time of Thomas Hill d. 1756.

On the lane from Ryton to Dymock there is a late Victorian red brick house adjacent to the lane named Vell Mill. The next property is mainly stone built and set well back from the lane and will be on the Leadon and probably the original mill house. I do not know its name but will find out.

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