Oaklands Park: 1939 Register (General)

by stephaniejr @, Forest of Dean, Gloucestershire, UK, Thursday, October 19, 2017, 12:30 (2705 days ago)

I have been researching the history of the Oaklands Park estate (using online resources and Gloucestershire Archives) and have identified the owners from 1776 to up the present day. In the process, I looked at the 1939 Register which, in summary, provided the following information:
Sir Evan Gwynne-Evans – company director, senior ARP warden
Lady Ada Gwynne-Evans – women’s voluntary service
George K Deans and wife – butler, special constable, ARP warden, Oaklands Flying Squad
James S Bowkett, wife and son – head gardener, special constable and ARP warden
Frederick J Jeynes, wife and two children – gardener, special constable and ARP warden
(A London prep school had been evacuated to Oaklands – I haven’t included the teachers and pupils here. Nor any other estate staff.)

My questions are:

Can anyone shed any light on the Oaklands Flying Squad please?

I also noticed that this site has in its gallery section some photos of Forest of Dean Special Constables WW11. I couldn’t see a photo of the three special constables listed above in this section of the gallery. Are there any other photos of FoD special constables in WWII in existence?

Many thanks

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