Oaklands Park: Women's Land Army hostel (General)

by Mike Pinchin @, Bedford, England, Thursday, October 19, 2017, 20:40 (2705 days ago) @ stephaniejr

It’s not much but it shows they were prepared to go on strike,

BNA Cheltenham Chronicle - Saturday 21 April 1945


The North Gloucester shire Land Army girls who were on strike on Friday as a protest against the non-granting of gratuities by the Government returned to work on Saturday. The strike involved girls from W.L.A. hostels at 1 Dumbleton Hall, Southam Priory, Wycks Elm, Tetbury, and Oaklands Park. These hostels were visited on Friday by Mr. H. A. Myring, a representative of the Gloucestershire WA.E.C.; Mr. H. Collison, County Organiser of the Agricultural Workers' Union, and Mrs. Heydeman, County Secretary of the W.L.A. After these speakers had addressed the strikers and answered questions, the girls agreed to return to work, and some of them resumed straight away.

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