Oaklands Park: Gardeners and other staff (General)

by Mike Pinchin @, Bedford, England, Saturday, October 21, 2017, 16:49 (2703 days ago) @ stephaniejr

Given the proximity to Oaklands Park and the fact that they style themselves “servants” these two might be a possibility as well. However, The Haie is not far away so they could belong there.

GR 1861 Census, Parish of Awre, Hulins House

Arthur SHUDWICK, Head, Mar, 36, Gardener Serv, b. Surrey, Witley
Sarah, Wife, Mar, 39, Essex, Finley
George, Son, 7, Glostersh, Newnham
Olive, Daur, 1, Glostersh, Awre
John BAILEY, Serv, Widr, 36, Under Gardener Serv, Glostersh, Tirley

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