Inscription on tablet in Westbury on Severn church. (General)

by essjay @, Monday, December 18, 2017, 12:10 (2644 days ago)

In the Bigland Transcriptions for Westbury is the following entry:

On tablets.
Near this Place lie the Remains of RICHARD PLEYDELL, of this Parish, late
of the Parish of Lairso in the County of Monmouth, who died Nov. 25,
1809, Aged 63
Also MARY, his Daughter, who died Jany. 18, 1805, Aged 26 Years.

The burial records for Westbury contain an entry for Richard Plaisted on 27 November 1809, aged 63. But he died at Caerwent, Monmouthshire (his will starts "I Richard Playsted of the parish of Caerwent...) and there does not appear to be a parish of Lairso - I have asked on MonGenes.
Richard is my 5 x great grandfather.

There is no burial record at Westbury for a Mary with a surname even vaguely resembling Plaisted at in 1805, or indeed any Mary in her 20s. But there is one for Mary Playsted on 28 June 1804, aged 28 - although Richard's daughter Mary was baptised in 1773 at Westbury, so even this burial record doesn't quite fit.

How accurate are the Bigland Transcriptions?

Is there anyone living in Westbury who could kindly check the inscription for me, please - assuming it still exists?

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