Your Guidelines, Terms & Conditons, Copyright, Privacy etc. (General)

by admin ⌂, Forest of Dean, Monday, January 01, 2018, 13:20 (2630 days ago) @ Gillymott

The whole philosophy of the FoD website has been to make information available free of charge to users. We do not make any imagery available, but it is true that with a little effort a commercial website could obtain copies of our transcripts and publish them. All we ask is that the source and our copyright is acknowledged.
As to the site's security we are not aware of any problems, but if users are concerned they can choose not to use the site. We take all reasonable steps to make sure the site is secure and this includes keeping the software up to date. Personal data of our users stored on our servers is limited to the information users include in their profile. The minimum required is Email address, Username and password which is encrypted.
We all give of our time freely without reward, do the best we can within our capabilities and seek professional assistance where appropriate.

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