Staunton near Coleford Parish and Bishops Transcriptions (General)

by sidtoomey01 @, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, Sunday, January 28, 2018, 04:35 (2603 days ago)

Hi Everyone,

I am researching a Thomas Tummy who appears to have lived in Churcham Parish, being buried there on 5th October 1783. I believe he may be my 6th Grandfather.
His wife's name was Mary.....

Because of other family members records i have found, I am hopeful he may have originated or been married in Staunton near Coleford.

As the Parish BDM register is in pretty poor condition (seen on Ancestry) with plenty of blanks and faded ink, i thought if I could locate the Bishops Transcription register, it could prove promising.

The earliest record I have been able to find was the baptism of his son Richard in Churcham on 23rd March 1734
Richard married Sarah Blewett in Weston under Penyard on 11th May 1762.

Taynton and Longhope Parishes also figure in other relations records.

Does anyone have any suggestions for locating the Bishops Transcripts ?

Maybe a wild goose chase (I have been on plenty of these). But also it could be fruitful.

Thank you

Sid Toomey

Staunton near Coleford Parish and Bishops Transcriptions

by grahamdavison @, Sunday, January 28, 2018, 12:33 (2603 days ago) @ sidtoomey01

The transcriptions online are compiled from both the parish registers and the Bishops Transcripts. I have just had a look on Ancestry and found that both the parish registers and Bishops Transcripts are online. I searched for Staunton (near Malwick) Gloucestershire for births in 1750 and the first entry was from the BTs.

Staunton near Coleford Parish and Bishops Transcriptions

by Mike Pinchin @, Bedford, England, Sunday, January 28, 2018, 15:39 (2603 days ago) @ sidtoomey01

Graham is correct that Ancestry has both PRs and BTs. If you want an easy way into the early 18C BTs search for the marriage of,

William LANE
18th December 1718
Staunton (ignore the offerings in the drop-down and leave it as Staunton).

Browsing through them I didn’t spot a Thomas TUMMY marriage but there were a few records of others,

Elinr the daughter of Thomas TUMMY and Elinr was baptized April 24th 1688

James? The son of Thomas and Elinr TUMMY bapt. April 11 1698

Tho. TUMMY buried September 30 1700

June 9 1728 sep. (i.e. buried) Johannes TUMMY

December 26th 1735 bap. Sarah daughter of James TUMMY and Eleanor his wife

April 3rd 1738 bap. Eleanor daugh of James and Eleanor TUMMY

Staunton near Coleford Parish and Bishops Transcriptions

by sidtoomey01 @, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, Sunday, January 28, 2018, 20:12 (2603 days ago) @ Mike Pinchin

Thank you both for your prompt response.
I will have another look.
Mike, I had seen the entries you mentioned and it was those which made me think i might be on to something.

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