Brick wall finding birth record for Henry GURNEY (General)

by Rossgee, New Zealand, Sunday, January 28, 2018, 07:59 (2604 days ago) @ MPGriffiths

Thank you MPGriffiths. You have effectively reminded me of other sources of relevant information. What is quite frustrating from this distance is that the FOD records tend to be the most extensive, and that there were numerous Gurneys scattered all through the Forest and into neighbouring areas. I have tried to sort out which ones belong where - but it is far from easy.

Besides the William and Hester that you named there are several other families that could potentially be Henry's close relatives. And the earliest Gurneys in the Forest, dating back to 1538 were in Longdon or Ledbury. A general search of FOD parish registers does not throw up any Henry that could be a possibility. Hence I am thinking he came from out of county.
There were certainly Gurneys in Hereford. Buckinghamshire was also a Gurney stronghold - and of course Norfolk.

I am building a tree in MyHeritage - and even with its millions of records, it throws up no Henrys that look even remotely possible. Clearly I need to be more creative in my searching or have some other leads from family - you appear to be an experienced family researcher. WOuld be grateful for any shared wisdom and suggestions.

I wonder if there are any other Gurneys who are doing research - could we share experiences?

Most appreciative


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