Jacob Dorrington and Ruth Dorrington (General)

by Clements Tump @, Lowestoft, Thursday, February 22, 2018, 19:15 (2579 days ago)

Complicated family to follow with various spellings: Dorington, Darlington and Darrington.
Jacob was son of Thomas and Sarah Dorrington, married at Newland in 1827. His second marriage: first was to Elizabeth Field, widow in 1818 who died in 1824 - there may have been 2 children but they do not appear in the 1841 census as part of Thomas Dorrington's family, but they would have been 23 & 20 and may have married or left home. I have no details of Elizabeth Field's first marriage or birth.
Thomas and Sarah had 3 children
Elizabeth, born abt 1828
Thomas, born in 1830. He married Lucy (?) in Australia and they had 6 children. One of their sons, John Edwin Darrington, was the last person to live in the family home (see below), dying in 1959.
Jacob born in 1835 and lives with his mother after Thomas Dorrington dies in 1853. Sarah Dorrington remarries: to Thomas James in 1854 but by the 1861 census she is a widow again and Jacob is still living with her.
Jacob marries Ruth Elsmore (b1851 of Edwin & Mary Elsmore) in 1872.
However, I cannot find neither Jacob nor Ruth in 1881 or 1891 censuses, and I see that Ruth died 26.9.93 but no Forest of Dean burial. I cannot find Jacob Dorrington's death (tried freeBMD with all 4 spellings plus findmypast/genealogist/ancestry with no luck). Did they leave Forest of Dean or even UK?
There used to be a small cottage in Clements Tump (demolished by Glos CC) which I think was lived in by various Dorringtons, and may have been built by Thomas Dorrington in the 1830s/40s. I believe Thomas Dorrington lived there until he died in 1915, and his widow Lucy until she died in 1926. It was then occupied by their second daughter, Emma, and their second son, John Edwin, neither of whom ever married, until their deaths in 1951 and 1959. The remains of the cottage now lie in the garden of amy house in Clements Tump.
If anyone could fill in the gaps re
Elizabeth Field and her birth details and marriage
Whether Thomas and Elizabeth Dorrington had any children (there are baptisms in 1818 and 1821 with parents Thomas & Elizabeth, but are these the same people?)
What happened to Jacob and Ruth Dorrington.
Although names are spelt quite variously, I have used Dorrington for simplicity and until I started investigating it was how I thought the name was spelt.

Jacob Dorrington & Ruth Dorrington, New Zealand 1876

by Jefff @, West London, Middlesex, Friday, February 23, 2018, 02:31 (2579 days ago) @ Clements Tump

I don't think you mentioned using the FamilySearch site. I recommend it as it's very good at offering variations of name spelling, and is enitrely free to use.

Searching Ruth Dorrington b1850-1860 in Gloucestershire gives;

Name Ruth Dorrington
Event Type Death
Event Date 1893
Event Place New Zealand
Age (Estimated) 42
Birth Date 1851

You mention having Ruth's death, but I don't think you said where ?. Can this be her ?

and also find

Name Ruth Dorrington
Event Type Immigration
Event Date Nov 1876
Event Place Marlborough, New Zealand
Gender Female
Departure Date 1876
Arrival Port Marlborough
Ship Name Howrah
Arrival Place Marlborough

The above record has been transcribed off the actual image of the shipping passenger list record that can be viewed and downloaded off the site. In the sometimes frustrating way of the FamilySearch site, despite the above summary not mentioning it, we find that Ruth is indeed from Gloucestershire and travels with Jacob AND Edwin Elsmore and his family; the next page has another Gloucestershire family of Richard MORSE, and so on. But for a free and user-friendly website who's complaining !

I cannot transcribe it neatly or fully, the image also gives ages etc, but the gist is as follow:

Name Event Type Event Date Event Place Gender Age Marital Status Nationality Occupation Birth Year (Estimated) Shipping Company Ship Name Departure Port Departure Place Departure Date Arrival Port Ship Name Arrival Place

Jacob Dorrington Immigration Nov 1876 Marlborough, New Zealand Male Glostershire Farm Lab 1876 Marlborough Howrah Marlborough
Ruth Dorrington Immigration Nov 1876 Marlborough, New Zealand Female 1876 Marlborough Howrah Marlborough

Edwin Elsmore Immigration Nov 1876 Marlborough, New Zealand Male Glostershire Farm Lab 1876 Marlborough Howrah Marlborough
Mary Elsmore Immigration Nov 1876 Marlborough, New Zealand Female Glostershire 1876 Marlborough Howrah Marlborough
Samuel Elsmore Immigration Nov 1876 Marlborough, New Zealand Male 1876 Marlborough Howrah Marlborough
Edwin Elsmore Immigration Nov 1876 Marlborough, New Zealand Male 1876 Marlborough Howrah Marlborough
John Elsmore Immigration Nov 1876 Marlborough, New Zealand Male 1876 Marlborough Howrah Marlborough
Elizth Elsmore Immigration Nov 1876 Marlborough, New Zealand Female 1876 Marlborough Howrah Marlborough

Richd Morse Immigration Nov 1876 Marlborough, New Zealand Male Glostershire Farm Lab 1876 Marlborough Howrah Marlborough
Lucy Morse Immigration Nov 1876 Marlborough, New Zealand Female Glostershire 1876 Marlborough Howrah Marlborough
Amelia J Morse Immigration Nov 1876 Marlborough, New Zealand Female Glostershire 1876 Marlborough Howrah Marlborough

Saml Elsmore Immigration Nov 1876 Marlborough, New Zealand Male Glostershire F Laborer 1876 Marlborough Howrah Marlborough
Edwin Elsmore Immigration Nov 1876 Marlborough, New Zealand Male Glostershire 1876 Marlborough Howrah Marlborough

Hopefully this link will take you straight to the image for download etc.

Toward the end of the 11 pages are the fares paid for passage, abt £20 I think.

I've travelled to Northern Spain on a modern stabilized ship of 40,000 tons and was quite poorly at times. I cannot imagine how bad it must have been in the sailing ship "Howrah" of just 1000 tons !

The Howrah was an iron hulled sailing ship of 1,098 tons, built at Sunderland in 1864 by Pile, Spence and Company. She arrived in Fiji on 26 June 1884 carrying 575 passengers.
The Howrah was chartered for three voyages from England to New Zealand. During one of these voyages, although she made the passage in 96 days, she encountered some very rough weather and ten passengers died.
The Howrah was also used to carry indentured labourers to the West Indies. She arrived in British Guiana on 13 Feb 1869, Trinidad on 3 March 1873 carrying 449 (13 died during the trip) and Suriname on 8 April 1874 carrying Indian indentured labourers.


Also see

That's all for now, I strongly recommend you give the FamilySearch site a try.
eg also find

Name Jacob Dorrington
Event Type Death
Event Date 1919
Event Place New Zealand
Age (Estimated) 85
Birth Date 1834
Registration Number 1919/4399
Citing this Record

"New Zealand, Civil Records Indexes, 1800-1966," database, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:QG6K-K9WB : 4 January 2018), Jacob Dorrington, 1919; citing Death, New Zealand, registration number 1919/4399, Archives of New Zealand, Wellington.

atb J

Jacob Dorrington & Ruth Dorrington, New Zealand 1876

by Clements Tump @, Lowestoft, Friday, February 23, 2018, 11:56 (2578 days ago) @ Jefff

Thank you Jefff. I have joined FamilySearch as suggested. Looks very useful.

Jacob Dorrington & Ruth Dorrington, New Zealand 1876

by Mike Pinchin @, Bedford, England, Friday, February 23, 2018, 19:50 (2578 days ago) @ Jefff

I think the record of Ruth’s death in New Zealand must be correct,

National Library of New Zealand

From the Marlborough Express 27 September 1893


DORRINGTON,-On the 26th inst., at Blenheim, Ruth, the beloved wife of Jacob Dorrington, aged 42.

From the same paper, 19 September 1877, both Jacob and Ruth gave evidence at the inquest on the body of Richard MOSS, accidentally shot. Jacob says he is a labourer of Grove Town.

There might be more.

The same NZ site given by Jeff.

Jacob Dorrington & Ruth Dorrington, New Zealand 1876

by Jefff @, West London, Middlesex, Friday, February 23, 2018, 20:50 (2578 days ago) @ Mike Pinchin

Thanks Mike,
I meant to say that there are some excellent free-to-use old newspaper sites for down-under, just as there are so many other records.

Ref the death of Richard MOSS, who it seems Jacob knew, could he be the same Richard MORSE from Glos who was also on their ship to Wellington ?.
(or vice-versa, and their actual name was indeed Moss?)

Rich'd Morse of Glos, aged 22 in Nov 1876
Lucy Morse of Glos, aged 23
Amelia J Morse of Glos, aged 2

I see these are not rare names, however this does seem of interest;

Surname First name(s) District Vol Page
Marriages Jun 1873
Elsmore Lucy Monmouth 11a 44
Hart Jonathan Monmouth 11a 44
MORSE Richard Monmouth 11a 44
Potter Harriet Elizabeth Monmouth 11a 44

From this site's PRs;

Record_ID: 159766
Entry_Number: 269
Year: 1873
Month: May
Day: 11
Grooms_Surname: MORSE
Grooms_Forenames: Richard
Grooms_Age: 21
Groom_Condition: Batchelor
Grooms_Occupation: Labourer
Grooms_Residence: Ellwood
Grooms_Fathers_Surname: Morse
Grooms_Fathers_Forenames: Joseph
Grooms_Fathers_Occupation: Labourer
Brides_Surname: ELSMORE
Brides_Forenames: Lucy
Brides_Age: 19
Brides_Condition: Spinster
Brides_Occupation: [not stated]
Brides_Residence: Ellwood
Brides_Fathers_Surname: Elsmore
Brides_Fathers_Forenames: Edwin
Brides_Fathers_Occupation: Collier
Licence_or_Banns: Banns
Signature_or_Mark: both mark
Witness_1: Jacob Dorrington
Witness_2: Henry Gunter
Officiating_Minister: Jo[hn] Jo[seph] Elsworth Vicar
Event: Marriage
Register_Reference: P245 IN 1/21
Page_Number: 135
Parish_Chapel: Parkend
Soundex_Groom: M620
Soundex_Bride: E425

See now that Lucy is Ruth's sister;

1871 Ellwood, West Dean, Monmouthshire, Wales
Household Role Sex Age Birthplace
Edwin Elsmore Head M 45 Coal Miner. West Dean, Gloucestershire
Mary Elsmore Wife F 47 West Dean, Gloucestershire
Ruth Elsmore Daughter F 19 West Dean, Gloucestershire
Lucia P Elsmore Daughter F 17 West Dean, Gloucestershire
Samuel Elsmore Son M 15 West Dean, Gloucestershire
Edwin Elsmore Son M 8 West Dean, Gloucestershire
John Elsmore Son M 6 West Dean, Gloucestershire
Elizabeth Elsmore Daughter F 4 West Dean, Gloucestershire

All of which are on the ship to NZ.

The only birth record I can find which MAY be daughter Amelia is this one

Surname First name(s) Age District Vol Page
Births Jun 1874 (>99%)
MORSE Amelia Westbury S. 6a 230

BUT GlosBMD suggests not her !!

Birth Details
Child Surname Child Forename Mother's Former Name Year District Office Register Entry
MORSE Amelia POLLARD 1874 Forest of Dean Westbury on Severn, Newnham 37 96
MORSE Amelia WILLIAMS 1874 Forest of Dean Westbury on Severn, Newnham 37 96

Jacob Dorrington & Ruth Dorrington, New Zealand 1876

by Mike Pinchin @, Bedford, England, Saturday, February 24, 2018, 19:16 (2577 days ago) @ Clements Tump

This looks very much like a report of the death of Thomas DORRINGTON

BNA Gloucester Journal - Saturday 31 December 1853

On Saturday last, an inquest was held at the Rising Sun Inn, Bream, before J. Lovegrove, Esq. coroner, on the body of Thomas Dorrington, labourer, of Clement's Tump, West Dean, who had for many years been a farm bailiff for Edward Machen, Esq, of Whitemead Park. He was following his employment as a labourer under the crown, when he died suddenly on the 22d inst. The deceased, who was 55 years of age, for some time past had complained of pain at his heart, and had medicine for it at different times, prescribed by Mr. Jennings surgeon, of Coleford, but followed his usual employment every day. The night previous to his death, he ate heartily of some onion broth for supper, about nine o'clock, and went to bed in his usual health; he rose about seven o'clock next morning, as well as usual, and came down stairs, and said his prayers. He had put on one boot, when he rose up from his chair, and said, " Oh, dear!" and never spoke again, but died immediately. Mr. Jennings, surgeon, of Coleford, deposed that he had attended deceased several times, and that he believed his death was caused from palpitation of the heart. Verdict accordingly.

Jacob Dorrington & Ruth Dorrington, New Zealand 1876

by Clements Tump @, Lowestoft, Saturday, February 24, 2018, 23:14 (2577 days ago) @ Mike Pinchin

Thanks to everyone's help so far.
According to this website PR Thomas Dorrington was buried at Newland on 23.12.1853. His address is given as Claver End Green (Clements?) and he was aged 55 (which goes with a November 1797 baptism in Derbyshire), which agrees with the inquest report. Looking at the calendar for 1853, 22/12 was a Thursday, he was buried the next day on Fri 23/12 and his inquest was on Sat 24/12. This was probably just a formality as I am sure 'Mr Jennings, surgeon of Coleford' may have told the Coroner the same day, so that the family could proceed with the burial. Mind you, the next day seems a bit quick! Interesting that the inquest was in a pub, which, by the way, is still there!
However, I am still missing the details of Thomas Dorrington's first wife, the widow Elizabeth Field. The wedding was on 19.5.1818 at Newland. The only marriage I can find is Elizabeth Niblett of Gloucester age/parents unknown marrying Thomas Field of Stroud age/parents unknown in Gloucester on 29.12.1817, but no death or burial for Thomas Field before May 1818. This might not be the right marriage anyway.
Thomas and Elizabeth Dorrington had 3 children: Harriett b1818 (interesting to consider whether this was Thomas Field's child) d1869; John b1821 d1858 and Thomas b1824 d September 1824. Elizabeth Field had died August 1824. None of these children appear with Thomas Dorrington in the 1841 census, and it was the baptism records that identified them.
Thomas Dorrington married again, to Sarah Jones (possibly born 1802 with a possible baptism in 1803 in Newent) in 1827, and they had 3 children: Elizabeth b1829 d1916(?), Thomas b 1830 d1915 and Jacob b1835 d1919 New Zealand.
I believe that it was Thomas Dorrington (b1797 d1853) that built the cottage in Clements Tump, last lived in by his grandson John Edwin Darrington (son of Thomas Dorrington b1830) who died in 1859.
Thanks again

Jacob Dorrington & Ruth Dorrington, New Zealand 1876

by Clements Tump @, Lowestoft, Saturday, February 24, 2018, 23:16 (2577 days ago) @ Clements Tump

John Edwin Darrington died in 1959. Not trying to confuse you.

Jacob Dorrington & Ruth Dorrington, New Zealand 1876

by ChrisW @, Saturday, February 24, 2018, 23:58 (2577 days ago) @ Clements Tump


It was not at all unusual for an Inquest to be held in a local inn.

As for the speedy burial, I'm sure no-one would welcome having a dead body lying around over Christmas. Sorry if that sounds a bit harsh, but it was the reality I'm afraid.



Jacob Dorrington and Ruth Dorrington

by D I Elsmore @, Wednesday, February 28, 2018, 14:42 (2573 days ago) @ Clements Tump

Hi Everyone, I was impressed by all those who sent their information in reply it was so accurate to what i have. I am related to the family Elsmore`s and if any member can add any more i for one would be very grateful, so thank you all.

Jacob Dorrington and Ruth Dorrington

by Mike Pinchin @, Bedford, England, Wednesday, February 28, 2018, 20:19 (2573 days ago) @ D I Elsmore

If you don’t have Edwin ELSMORE’s details here they are prior to 1876,

GR 1841 Census, Dean Forest, Ellwood

Eliz ELSMORE, 55, born in county
Edwin, 15, Coal Miner, born in county (1826)

GR 1851 Census, West Dean , Dark Hill

Edwin ELSMORE, Head, Mar, 25, Coal Miner, b. Gloster, West Dean (1826)
Mary, Wife, Mar, 24, Gloster, West Dean
Thomas, Son, 2, Gloster, West Dean

(Two other Elsmore families living very close, Joseph, aged 37; John, aged 34)

GR 1861 Census, Ellwood

All born Gloucestershire, West Dean

Edwin ELSMORE, Head, Mar 36, Iron Miner, (1825)
Mary, Wife, Mar, 39,
Thomas, Son, 12,
Ruth, Daur, 9,
Lucy, Daur, 7,
Samuel, Son, 5,
Mary Jane, Daur, 1,

(Joseph ELSMORE, aged 48, living very close)

GR 1871 Census, West Dean, Ellwood

All born Gloucestershire, West Dean

Edwin ELSMORE, Head, Mar, 45, Coal Miner (1826)
Mary, Wife, Mar, 47
Ruth, Daur, Un, 19
Lucia, Daur, Un, 17
Samuel, Son, 18
Edwin, Son, 8
John, Son, 6
Elizabeth, Daur, 4

From this site,

Year: 1848
Month: Jul
Day: 4
Grooms_Surname: ELSMORE
Grooms_Forenames: Edwin
Grooms_Age: 22
Groom_Condition: Bachelor
Grooms_Occupation: Collier
Grooms_Residence: Ellwood
Grooms_Fathers_Surname: ELSMORE
Grooms_Fathers_Forenames: Joseph
Grooms_Fathers_Occupation: Collier
Brides_Surname: SIMMONS
Brides_Forenames: Mary
Brides_Age: 23
Brides_Condition: Spinster
Brides_Occupation: Servant
Brides_Residence: Ellwood
Brides_Fathers_Surname: WATKINS
Brides_Fathers_Forenames: John
Brides_Fathers_Occupation: Farmer
Licence_or_Banns: Banns
Signature_or_Mark: both mark
Witness_1: Thomas Baylis
Witness_2: George Benfield
Officiating_Minister: Henry Poole
Event: Marriage
Register_Reference: P145 IN 1/20
Page_Number: 55
Parish_Chapel: Parkend

One or more of these articles may refer to this particular ELSMORE family,

National Library of New Zealand


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