Death and Will of Elizabeth Cowmeadow 1796-185? (General)

by probinson @, S. Oxon, Wednesday, March 07, 2018, 17:42 (2565 days ago)

Here's one I'm struggling with. Wondered if anyone could help.

Really I'm looking for the Will of Elizabeth but not sure of her death either. She was living at the Victoria Hotel, Cinderford in the 1851 census. By 1861 it's just her daughter and husband so presumably she died somewhere in between. Nearest match I can find is Elizabeth Jane Cowmeadow buried Drybrook Holy Trinity in 1857 but it doesn't give her age at death so can't confirm it's her.

Her husband was also buried at Holy Trinity in 1844 (James Cowmeadow). James' Will lists several properties including mines and quarries. I'm trying to find out what happened to some of his properties so was looking for Elizabeth's Will as she inherited nearly everything.

Death and Will of Elizabeth Cowmeadow 1796-185?

by Mike Pinchin @, Bedford, England, Wednesday, March 07, 2018, 20:23 (2565 days ago) @ probinson

It looks like Elizabeth did not die until 17th July 1868, she having remarried in 1857,

Ancestry, National Probate Calendar 1869,

MEEK Elizabeth, Effects under £450
30th November
The Will of Elizabeth Meek (Wife of William Meek) formerly of Bilson Green but late of the Victoria Hotel Cinderford both in the township of East Dean in the County of Gloucester deceased who died 17th July 1868 at the Victoria Hotel aforesaid was proved at the principle registry by the oath of Henry Roberts of Cinderford Gentleman one of the executors. Probate being granted under certain limitations.

An article in the BNA London Daily News - Friday 02 July 1869 gives some details of what happened,


This was a suit relating to the will of Mrs MEEK, late of the Victoria Hotel, Cinderford in the Forest of Dean. She had been previously married to one COWMEADOW, by whom she had five children. COWMEADOW died in 1844 and in 1857 the testatrix was married to another innkeeper in the neighbourhood named MEEK, whereupon she went to reside with her new husband and she left the Victoria Hotel in charge of her sole surviving daughter, Mrs ROBERTS. In 1867 she quitted her husband and returned to the plaintiff at whose house she soon afterwards died having nearly reached the age of 80 [maybe some error here]………………………….etc.

From Genes Reunited

England & Wales marriages 1837-2008
First Name Elizabeth
Last Name Cowmeadow
Gender Female
Year 1857
Image Quarter 4
Country England
County Gloucestershire
District Gloucester
District Number
Registry Number
Volume 6A
Page 434
Line Number 22
Entry Number

Elizabeth Cowmeadow married one of the people below:

William MEEK

GR 1861 Census, Bilson Green, Beer House,

William MEEK, Head Mar, 67, Inn Keeper, b. Gloster, East Dean
Elizabeth, Wife, Mar, 66, Gloster, Clearwell
Ann EDWARDS, Gdaur, 12, Gloster, East Dean
Kate EDWARDS, Gdaur, 7, Gloster, Eats Dean

Death and Will of Elizabeth Cowmeadow 1796-185?

by MPGriffiths @, Wednesday, March 07, 2018, 21:45 (2565 days ago) @ Mike Pinchin


Marriage at St John the Baptist, City of Gloucester 14 November 1857

William MEEK, Widower, Gentleman, residence: St Catherine Adjacent : father: Joseph MEEK, Collier

Elizabeth COWMEADOW, Widow, residence: St Catherine Adjacent: father: William WILLIAMS, Farmer

witnesses: Charles TAYLOR, Ann LEVIS?

(no ages given on marriage certificate)



Marriage at Abenhall: 23 June 1810

Elizabeth WILLIAMS, Hundred of St Briavels

witnesses: William MARFELL and Sarah BEVAN

Death and Will of Elizabeth Cowmeadow 1796-185?

by probinson @, S. Oxon, Wednesday, March 07, 2018, 21:52 (2565 days ago) @ MPGriffiths

Thanks both for this.

Clearly that's made things even more complicated. I have some more work to do.

Death and Will of Elizabeth Cowmeadow 1796-185?

by MPGriffiths @, Wednesday, March 07, 2018, 21:57 (2565 days ago) @ probinson

Just called up the Will of William WILLIAMS 1848 of Hudnalls, St Briavels - mentions lots of family including his daughter Elizabeth COWMEADOW

His wife: Mary

Sons, John & James - daughter Mary JUL?? and Ann LEWIS


There is an Inventory, plus a page written 11 November 1848, when Elizabeth COWMEADOW of Cinderford, appears personally re:

William WILLIAMS died 31 December 1846 (Mary the mother had died)


Assume this his burial

Newland: 2 January 1847

William WILLIAMS, St Briavels Common, aged 84

and Mary's

Newland: 22 April 1847

Mary WILLIAMS aged 80 of Brickwood Common (Widow of William WILLIAMS)

Death and Will of Elizabeth Cowmeadow 1796-185?

by Mike Pinchin @, Bedford, England, Wednesday, March 07, 2018, 22:50 (2565 days ago) @ probinson

BNA Gloucester Journal - Saturday 03 September 1870

Forest of Dean District, Newnham

County Court, Tuesday, Equity Case

James Cowmeadow, of Harry-hill, East Dean, Boiler-maker, was plaintiff and Mrs. Roberts, of Cinderford, a coal-merchant, defendant. Mr. Robinson appeared for the plaintiff, and Mr. Carter for Mrs. Roberts. The case was argued at some length. It appeared that the plaintiff was entered for the purpose of the Judge making an order for the administration of the personal estate of Elizabeth Meek, late of Bilson-green, East Dean, who died in July 1868, she having in her life time made a will, in exercise of a power of appointment contained in a post-nuptual settlement, and by her will (amongst other devises and bequests) by which she bequeathed to her executors and trustees one fifth part of her personal estate, in trust for the children of her deceased son Wm. Cowmeadow who, as such, were entitled to a share of the residuary personal estate of the testatrix which was shown to be under 4501. Mr. Carter argued that this, the personal estate, was sworn under that sum, yet by the will there was some real estate devised by the will to the Trustees upon trust for sale, and that this must be treated as personal estate, which would increase the subject matter of the suit above 5001, which was the limit to which the County Court had jurisdiction. In addition the plaintiff had commenced an action of ejectment in the court of Queen’s Bench to recover this real estate, and that court would decide whether that property was part of the real or personal estate. It appeared, moreover, that these facts were to be reduced to a special case for the opinion of the court above. The judge ordered that the time for the hearing of the County Court plaint should enlarged to the December court, so that in the meantime the ejectment case might be argued in the superior Court and the Judgment of that court delivered.

Death and Will of Elizabeth Cowmeadow 1796-185?

by probinson @, S. Oxon, Thursday, March 08, 2018, 22:08 (2564 days ago) @ Mike Pinchin

Thanks again both for spending time on this. Sometimes, when I'm looking for specific information I get a bit blinkered and another pair of eyes (or two) on the subject often helps.

There's some inconsistances here with the information I already have so I'll have to dig a bit deeper to make sense of this. Specifically, Elizabeth had eight children with James Cowmeadow, not five. And her eldest daughter, who continued to run the Victoria Hotel, never married anyone called Roberts that I'm aware of.

Can't find her Will on-line so I've ordered a copy. Maybe that will help.

Thanks again.

Will of Elizabeth Cowmeadow - Reading old handwriting

by probinson @, S. Oxon, Tuesday, March 13, 2018, 16:02 (2559 days ago) @ probinson

So I got a copy of Elizabeth's Will but can make out probably one word in five. I know there are many websites that give hints and instruction on how to read these old documents but I don't have the time right now to learn how to read all over again.

Is there anyone here who is able to decipher this and would be willing to do so for a fee? Or does anyone know of anyone else who might do it?

The Will can be downloaded from...

(Open in new tab)

The first three pages I can handle, it's the actual Will on the last three that have me flummoxed.

Will of Elizabeth Cowmeadow - Reading old handwriting

by Jefff @, West London, Middlesex, Tuesday, March 13, 2018, 18:51 (2559 days ago) @ probinson

Wow !, can see your problem there !.

I can see my home area Bilson Green mentioned on the first line, and reckon with time and my reading glasses could have a fair stab at the rest of it in between headaches, but yes probably best to get an experienced trained-eye involved. Hopefully such a person will be on this forum, good luck with it.

Will of Elizabeth Cowmeadow - Reading old handwriting

by Mike Pinchin @, Bedford, England, Tuesday, March 13, 2018, 20:39 (2559 days ago) @ probinson

Like Jeff, given time and my best glasses, I’m sure I could transcribe most of it – more than one word in five, anyway. With these documents it’s often a case of having a working knowledge of the kind of legal language used in them and therefore being able to recognize words from that. If you want it quickly then an expert is in order.

She names her living daughter as Mary Ann TYLER (who had a child born before marriage) which is at variance with the newspaper report above which names her as Mrs ROBERTS. I expect this is because, as is sometimes the case, the reporter just got it wrong! The executors were her husband, William MEEK, and Henry ROBERTS. Why Mrs ROBERTS appears I don’t know – perhaps another mistake.

Apart from Mary Ann she mentions her deceased daughter, Elizabeth, and her deceased sons William, John and James. There are bequests for their children, her grandchildren.

The granting of probate refers to the court case of ROBERTS v COWMEADOW and COWMEADOW and others. This, apparently, was brought to establish the force and validity of the will. I have not seen any reference to the outcome of the case but I will have another look.

Will of Elizabeth Cowmeadow - Reading old handwriting

by probinson @, S. Oxon, Tuesday, March 13, 2018, 22:07 (2559 days ago) @ Mike Pinchin

Wow Mike. You clearly have better glasses than mine... ;-)

She names her living daughter as Mary Ann TYLER (who had a child born before marriage)

That confirms exactly what I already have. The child's father, as far as I can work out, was Stephen Allaway who was part owner of Cinderford Iron Works that was just along the road from the Victoria Hotel and which was probably the reason the hotel was successful (it closed in 1900 around the time the iron works closed).

My main interest in Elizabeth's Will is what Mary Ann inherited as she's my main interest.

The confirmed deaths of the other children are also useful.

Thanks for all this.

Will of Elizabeth Cowmeadow - Reading old handwriting

by JaneyH ⌂ @, Tunbridge Wells, Kent, Thursday, July 29, 2021, 18:37 (1325 days ago) @ probinson


Just stepping into this thread because I'm trying to learn more about Cinderford Iron Works ... and searching for old discussions first before starting a new one.

I was interested to see the name COWMEADOW here, because my ancestor John Frederick EDWARDS married an Elizabeth COWMEADOW in 1847 in Bristol. The marriage register names her father as James Cowmeadow (coal merchant). I'm wondering, therefore, if 'my' Elizabeth was one of the children of James and Elizabeth, the main subject of this discussion.

Several members of my Edwards family, including my 3x great-grandfather Thomas Edwards (1809-1877) worked (and may well have lived at) Cinderford Iron Works, hence my current research.

Will of Elizabeth Cowmeadow - Reading old handwriting

by probinson @, S. Oxon, Thursday, July 29, 2021, 21:29 (1325 days ago) @ JaneyH

Yes, your Elizabeth was a daughter of the James and Elizabeth this thread refers to.


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