Death and Will of Elizabeth Cowmeadow 1796-185? (General)

by Mike Pinchin @, Bedford, England, Wednesday, March 07, 2018, 20:23 (2565 days ago) @ probinson

It looks like Elizabeth did not die until 17th July 1868, she having remarried in 1857,

Ancestry, National Probate Calendar 1869,

MEEK Elizabeth, Effects under £450
30th November
The Will of Elizabeth Meek (Wife of William Meek) formerly of Bilson Green but late of the Victoria Hotel Cinderford both in the township of East Dean in the County of Gloucester deceased who died 17th July 1868 at the Victoria Hotel aforesaid was proved at the principle registry by the oath of Henry Roberts of Cinderford Gentleman one of the executors. Probate being granted under certain limitations.

An article in the BNA London Daily News - Friday 02 July 1869 gives some details of what happened,


This was a suit relating to the will of Mrs MEEK, late of the Victoria Hotel, Cinderford in the Forest of Dean. She had been previously married to one COWMEADOW, by whom she had five children. COWMEADOW died in 1844 and in 1857 the testatrix was married to another innkeeper in the neighbourhood named MEEK, whereupon she went to reside with her new husband and she left the Victoria Hotel in charge of her sole surviving daughter, Mrs ROBERTS. In 1867 she quitted her husband and returned to the plaintiff at whose house she soon afterwards died having nearly reached the age of 80 [maybe some error here]………………………….etc.

From Genes Reunited

England & Wales marriages 1837-2008
First Name Elizabeth
Last Name Cowmeadow
Gender Female
Year 1857
Image Quarter 4
Country England
County Gloucestershire
District Gloucester
District Number
Registry Number
Volume 6A
Page 434
Line Number 22
Entry Number

Elizabeth Cowmeadow married one of the people below:

William MEEK

GR 1861 Census, Bilson Green, Beer House,

William MEEK, Head Mar, 67, Inn Keeper, b. Gloster, East Dean
Elizabeth, Wife, Mar, 66, Gloster, Clearwell
Ann EDWARDS, Gdaur, 12, Gloster, East Dean
Kate EDWARDS, Gdaur, 7, Gloster, Eats Dean

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