Why emigrate in 1877 or 1878? (General)

by Mike Pinchin @, Bedford, England, Saturday, March 31, 2018, 20:11 (2541 days ago) @ Mike Pinchin

Some five months later, news of a reply,

BNA Cardiff Times - Saturday 04 May 1878

A reply has been received to the petition forwarded to the Queen by the distressed women of the Forest of Dean, in November last. The answer was forwarded through the Woods and Forests Department. The Hon. Mr Howard admits that there is considerable distress in the Forest but he is informed that it is not of the appalling character indicated by Mr Nicholson, and that it is not, at all events at present, so urgent as to call for the interposition of the Queen or Government. The letter adds “it is doubtful whether the distress in Dean Forest is greater than it is in South Wales,” and goes on to say that “although the Forest of Dean is the property of the Crown, the distress is not due to the discharge of workmen employed by the Crown, as the coal and ironworks are held under grants, and the Crown revenues have suffered from the partial stoppage of the ironworks.”

Mr NICHOLSON was, I believe, the Rev. Thomas NICHOLSON, a Baptist Minister, of Yorkley,a leading light in publicizing the plight of the Forest folk and the provision of relief.

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