Photographs (General)

by BFHS, Friday, May 18, 2018, 09:23 (2493 days ago)

I am looking for photographs (should any exist) of certain Inns or Alehouses in the Forest of Dean that were occupied by my Burgum and Burgham ancesters. I am looking for pictures or information I could add to my family history website at

They are -
The Parrot Inn, Hewelsfield. Eliza Burgham ran an alehouse for the Redbrook Brewery in 1891 and 1903.
The Prince of Wales, at Sparrow Hill, Coleford, ran by Oliver A. Burgham of the Redbrook Brewery in 1903.
The Royal Oak, Fetter Hill, Coleford. It was run by Daniel Nelmes in 1891 and Louisa Banks (mother of Hannah Burgum) in 1903. I understand it was opposite The George and was demolished in about 1954.
Victoria Inn, Cinderford, owned by the Forest Brewery, in Mitcheldean, and ran by Elizabeth Burgham in 1891. It was sited almost opposite the Forge Hammer Inn, but was closed in 1900.

Thank you.

Doug Burgum

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