Giles Brayne/Brain 1600's Littledean (General)

by MPGriffiths @, Wednesday, June 06, 2018, 08:10 (2474 days ago) @ Arrowhead

If you want to look where the BRAINES/BRAYNE's were living in 1608 and their approx age/height/build

Men in Armour for Gloucestershire 1608

These are the two men listed for Littledean

Thomas BRAINE, gentleman A20 - lower stature (so aged around 20)

William BRAYNE, junior, gentleman. A20 - lower stature

Richard BRAYNE was in Newham-on-Severn, a Gentleman A40 and tallest stature


On the records christening at Newnham

17 October 1599

Richard BRYON son of Richard

There are siblings earlier and later - sometimes the surname is BRION and sometimes BRAYNE (and burials at Newnham BRYAN) - but assume it's the same family ???

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