User's Profile - Email address contactable (Announce)

by admin ⌂, Forest of Dean, Sunday, June 10, 2018, 18:13 (2467 days ago)

The matter of Users adopting the Email Contactable facility is raised from time to time and it would appear that not all users are familiar with it and proceed to publish an email address despite warnings contained in Posting Guidelines.
The facility is found in the User's Profile which is under the control of the User. (The Administrators of this site do not make any amendments to User choices contained in the Profile unless specifically requested.)

To access the Profile take the following steps:
1/ Login
2/ Click on Username which can be seen near top left of the Forum Screen

The Email address contactable box is immediately below the email address and by making good use of this facility users can contact each other without email addresses being published on this Forum.

Details of the User Profile Page can be found on the Help-FAQ page

We have noticed that despite a warning given during the registration process some Users choose their email address as the Username and if at any point decide to post to the Forum that Email address is vulnerable.


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