Ann Allaway Cowmeadow b:26th June 1839 (General)

by probinson @, S. Oxon, Friday, June 22, 2018, 17:41 (2458 days ago) @ probinson

An update on this and a question (or three).

Ann, I eventually discovered, married one Edwin Ridler in 1866. They had six children and in 1883 emigrated to Canada.

I'm still unable to find any record of Ann in the 1861 census. However, I have a Ann Lewis who was present at, and registered, the death of Ann's stepfather, Henry Tyler, in 1863 in Cinderford. Could this be her? Could she have been married twice?

On her marriage to Edwin Ridler, her name is shown as Allaway and/or Cowmeadow (still waiting for the certificate but the index shows both names) suggesting she wasn't married previously. But might she have reverted to her maiden name?

Also, I can't find a Ann Lewis that fits or appears to have any connection with the family. I also can't find any evidence that Ann married anyone called Lewis.

This is starting to bug me.

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