Fairfax House (General)

by MPGriffiths @, Tuesday, August 14, 2018, 14:27 (2405 days ago) @ alison2


Googling: Fairfax House Co-operative Society - Lydney

under the website

Bristol & District Co-opertive Society The first Co-oper.../Flickr

'But the war marked a cross-roads. The department store in Castle Street was one of the few to survive the Blitz, and traded on, a lone bastion in the wasteland (as recently as 1960 it had a 'Mantles' department) until Broadmead was re-developed and plans to build Fairfax House was laid. etc etc' ..... Fairfax House was demolished in 1988 to make way for the Galleries Shopping Mall'

If you Google Fairfax House, Broadmead Bristol - there are some old pictures 'on the net'

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