Mary Parry (General)

by onlyme, Wednesday, September 12, 2018, 19:26 (2377 days ago)


I'm researching Mary Parry born about 1829 in Gloucester. She was my 2x great grandmother. I believe she never married but had several children including my great grandmother Elizabeth Sarah Parry born 22 Jan 1875 in West Dean, Gloucester.

I understand that Mary may have had several court appearances during her life and that the children may have been taken into the workhouse at times. She lived with a man called William Webb in the 1861 census who may have been the father of the children but he does not appear on my great grandmother's birth record.

Is anyone else researching this family?

Mary Parry

by Mike Pinchin @, Bedford, England, Wednesday, September 12, 2018, 20:45 (2377 days ago) @ onlyme

Not much in the way of mentions in the newspapers but this could be her,

BNA Gloucester Journal - Saturday 17 October 1874


POLICE COURT, THURSDAY. Mary Parry, single woman, was brought up before Major Davies, charged with having in September last unlawfully deserted her children who became chargeable to the Union of Monmouth, Hereford, and Gloucester. Prisoner was committed for seven days.

Mary Parry

by onlyme, Wednesday, September 12, 2018, 21:14 (2377 days ago) @ Mike Pinchin

Thanks so much, Mike. I'm sure that's her. She gave birth to my great grandmother Elizabeth Sarah a year after that. It must have been very hard for her being a single mum back then. Not much in the way of support. Very sad for her and the children.

Mary Parry

by Mike Pinchin @, Bedford, England, Wednesday, September 12, 2018, 23:09 (2376 days ago) @ onlyme

Another possibility?

BNA Gloucester Journal - Saturday 12 April 1879

COLEFORD POLICE COURT. Tuesday.— Before Sir James Campbell, Bart, (chairman), C. T. Palmer, and I. Trotter, Esqrs

Mary Parry, of Yorkley, appeared to a summons preferred by the School Board Authority on a charge of neglecting to send her children to school. Defendant said she had no boots for her children. Order made. Mrs. Parry was directed to apply to the guardians for boots.

This one is a bit speculative but there is clearly some kind of link to Chepstow.

BNA Gloucester Journal - Saturday 07 June 1873

WEDNESDAY —Before E. L. Kendall (chairman), C.F. Innell, J. Reynolds, E. V. Ellis, and W. Nicks, Esqrs, and Dr. Washbourn.
Various.—Mary Parry, charged with threatening to commit suicide, denied the charge, and, it appearing a lamentable case, the bench ordered her fare to be paid to Chepstow.

Mary Parry

by MPGriffiths @, Thursday, September 13, 2018, 07:18 (2376 days ago) @ Mike Pinchin

Ancestry : Gloucester England prison Records The County Goal

16 October 1874

Mary PARRY of Rofs - Charwoman aged 44 - Deserting her children. West Dean.

Notes at the end: say


Known to P.C. Smith 4 years nothing previously known agst her - husband Phillip "JAMES" ? **
Ross St. Ross Here


Late residence: Ross, Charwoman
Age: 44
Height: 5' 1"
Hair: Brown
Eyes: brown
Face: Oval
Complexion: Swallow
Other Marks: Scar Right Cheek, 3rd right finger broken, cut mark left arm, several white spots on neck.

(slowly adding info)...

*** the ? mark is in the notes, so P.C. Smith wasn't sure of Phillip's surname.

Mary Parry

by onlyme, Thursday, September 13, 2018, 08:03 (2376 days ago) @ Mike Pinchin

Many thanks again, Mike. I feel so sorry for Mary. She was really struggling.

Mary Parry

by onlyme, Thursday, September 13, 2018, 08:05 (2376 days ago) @ MPGriffiths

Thanks so much MP Griffiths. It's so good to have a description of her. My grandmother was also small and swallow skinned with brown eyes. Interesting to have a name for a possible husband. I bet they never really married.

Mary Parry

by MPGriffiths @, Thursday, September 13, 2018, 08:06 (2376 days ago) @ onlyme

Cause of Commitment:

Deserting her children whereby they became chargable to the Monmouth Union at the Township of West Dean on the 25 September 1874.

By whom committed: J DAVIS Esq

Sentence passed: Seven Days hard labour (October 15th 1874)

Expiration of Term : 21 October 1874
When Discharged or Removed: 21 October 1874


Other forum members would know more about the Monmouth Union at West Dean - (Records at Gwent Records Office)

There is websites re: Monmouth Workhouse

which include:


Mary Parry

by MPGriffiths @, Thursday, September 13, 2018, 08:56 (2376 days ago) @ onlyme

1881 Census, Glos West Dean


Mary - 52 W - born Awre
William - 20 Coalminer
James - 17 - born East Dean
Fanny - 14 - born West Dean
Mary 11 - born West Dean
Elizabeth - 6 - born West Dean


1871 Census, Yorkley, Newland

William WEBB - 53 married, Shoemaker
Mary - 43
William - 10
James - 6
Fanny - 4
Mary - 1


As a William WEBB aged 52 was buried at Awre - 5 November 1872 residence: Westbury Union

and in October 1874, in prison records - it talks about 'her husband' Philip JAMES (?) of Ross Street, Ross, Herfordshire

It would seem likely, Philip is the father of Elizabeth

Mary Parry

by onlyme, Thursday, September 13, 2018, 09:50 (2376 days ago) @ MPGriffiths

1881 Census, Glos West Dean


Mary - 52 W - born Awre
William - 20 Coalminer
James - 17 - born East Dean
Fanny - 14 - born West Dean
Mary 11 - born West Dean
Elizabeth - 6 - born West Dean


1871 Census, Yorkley, Newland

William WEBB - 53 married, Shoemaker
Mary - 43
William - 10
James - 6
Fanny - 4
Mary - 1


As a William WEBB aged 52 was buried at Awre - 5 November 1872 residence: Westbury Union

and in October 1874, in prison records - it talks about 'her husband' Philip JAMES (?) of Ross Street, Ross, Herfordshire

It would seem likely, Philip is the father of Elizabeth

Did William die in the workhouse? It's great to have a name for Elizabeth's father even if it is only a first name. Thanks so much once again. I'm really building up a picture of Mary's life now. All this injuries on her body! I wonder if it was due to hard labour or abuse? Maybe both! The 1871 census says William was married but maybe it was just to cover up but then why would Mary not have changed her name?

Mary Parry

by MPGriffiths @, Thursday, September 13, 2018, 11:11 (2376 days ago) @ onlyme

Trying to find Ross Street, Ross, Herefordshire 1871/1881 Census -

This is Herefordshire, Ross, District 4 - and no sign of a Philip JAMES ? in 'Over Ross Street' either census returns. A few lodging houses in the Street etc - so probably where Mary was a Charwoman -

Workhouses records may have more information.

The comments at the end of the Prison Entry says


March 4th NAT? Hetlow ** (people above are NAT? DYMOCK or NAT? CHURCHAM OR NAT? LYDNEY)

Known to P.C. Smith for 4 years (? Where was P.C. Smith based!) from 1870

? There is a George SMITH (Police Constable) and his wife Mary - having children baptised at Ross on Wye

George SMITH is the Police Superintendent at Ross (22 September 1876) when Mary Rose SMITH was baptised.

On the 1881 Census, for Brampton St Police Station, Ross, Herefordshire

George (Supt) SMITH is aged 39 - and born Gloucesteshire, Newland
Mary - 37 - born Hereford, Harewood
George Rich - 13 - born Hereford, Hentland ****
Annie - 11 -
Albert - 9
Louisa - 7
Mary Rose - 4
Henry - 1

? Is Hetlow, Hentland - where George knew of Mary PARRY

Mary Parry

by onlyme, Thursday, September 13, 2018, 14:42 (2376 days ago) @ MPGriffiths

I think PC Smith sounds fond of Mary. I'm pleased.

I found a census record for Mary's daughter (my great grandmother) Elizabeth Sarah in 1891 aged 14 and working as a servant in Flanthony House? Parish of St Lukes. The rest is hard to decipher. Borough I think is Tewhesbury. Village Hempsted ??
She's living with Michael Vickeridge head of house brick maker and his family Mary Parry died in 1884 in Westbury on Severn as far as I know. Location was Vinney Hill. Elizabeth Sarah would have been 9. I wonder who looked after her??

The birth record I have for Elizabeth Sarah says she was born in Oldcroft West Dean. She married George Francis Wheeler in Bristol on 6 Oct 1900. George was born in Newham Gloucester in 1875 and he was the son of Mary Ann Simmonds 1849 (Woolaston, Gloucester) and John Wheeler 1849 Bromham, Wiltshire. Mary Ann's grandmother from Woolaston was also a Parry (Elizabeth 1792) but probably a coincidence.

I found a William E Parry (Mary's son born in 1861...I think, maybe ) in the Electoral roll 1832 - 1974 Mile End in 1946. He would have been very old but could be him. Also, on the same register I found a Maud Preece. Now.... Lilian Maud Wheeler was George Francis Wheeler's sister and she was born in 1882. She married Frederick Charles Preece born 1876 Westbury on Severn.

My grandmother Mary Eleanor Wheeler born 1901 in Monmouthshire was estranged from her family after she married my grandfather who was an Irish man. So, I'm starting from scratch trying to find out about the history as she never spoke of them. Seems like there was a lot of trauma in the family.

Finding out all this additional information is fabulous. Thanks so much all.

Mary Parry

by MPGriffiths @, Thursday, September 13, 2018, 15:17 (2376 days ago) @ onlyme

The 1891 Census - is Hempstead, TEWKESBURY Gloucestershire with Michael J VICKRIDGE

Elizabeth S PARRY - aged 14, Servant, born Glos. Blakeney

Electoral Register 1885

Northern Tewkesbury

Michael John VICKRIDGE, Llanthony Hempstead : House

Probate (Ancestry)


VICKRIDGE Michael John of Llanthony near Gloucester brick manufacturer's manager died 3 May 1893 at Weston-Super-Mare, Somerset. Probate Gloucester 24 May to Elizabeth Hannah VICKRIDGE, Widow. Effects: £1,804 0s. 10d.


Gloucestershire BMD Indexes

(can't seem to do the link to the above website!)


Child Surname: PARRY
Child Forename: Elizabeth Sarah
Mother's Former Name: (LEFT BLANK)
Year: 1875 (Jan/Feb/March Qtr 1875 - on Freebmd)
District: Forest of Dean
Office: Monmouth, Coleford
Register: 32
Entry: 144

Will have a look to see what else 'turns up'

Mary Parry

by onlyme, Thursday, September 13, 2018, 15:45 (2376 days ago) @ MPGriffiths

Thanks a lot. Poor wee Elizabeth. She seems to have moved around a lot. So glad she met George Wheeler who might have given her some stability for a while. My grandmother Mary Eleanor must have been called after her grandmother Mary Parry. Mary had a daughter called Charlotte in 1860. William Webb was listed a father on the census in 1861. I think Charlotte died in aged 4. If Charlotte was her first born then maybe she called her after her own mother or grandmother.

Mary Parry

by MPGriffiths @, Thursday, September 13, 2018, 16:29 (2376 days ago) @ onlyme

Been trying to find William WEBB Shoemaker, on the 1851 census, looking at the Gloucestershire Genealogical Database - they have

a Goal record for

William WEBB aged 27 - dated 27 October 1851 - Shoemaker

Will follow up!


Baptism at Blakeney - 19 August 1824

William WEBB - parents: James & Charlotte

This could be where James & Charlotte names came from

1841 Census, Newnham


James - 60
Charlotte - 60
William - 15
Mary - 14

Mary Parry

by MPGriffiths @, Thursday, September 13, 2018, 16:38 (2376 days ago) @ MPGriffiths

The Gaol records are on Ancestry : will type bit by bit - in case my time runs out .... but he was transported for 7 years

William WEBB - aged 27 of Blakeney Hill, br Blakeney, Shoemaker

Age 27
Height : 5.7 and a half inches
Hair: Dark Brown
Visage : Long
Complextion : Comn (Common)
Other marks: Scar top of right shoulder.

Charged with felomously stealing at East Dean on the 24th of October 1851, a silver watch the property of Nehemiah HALFORD.

By whom committed: M COLCHESTER Esq.

Qtr Sessions: Epiphy Less 6 January 1852
Event of Trial: Guilty
Sentence Passed: Transported for Seven Years
When Discharged or Removed: 1852 May 10th
By What Authority: Secretary of States Order to Millbank Prison.

(more to follow he was a bad lad)

Mary Parry

by onlyme, Thursday, September 13, 2018, 16:43 (2376 days ago) @ MPGriffiths

Wow! Seven years! My goodness. I wonder where Mary and the children ended up. This story would make and interesting movie but I'm sad my ancestors had such a tough life.

Mary Parry

by MPGriffiths @, Thursday, September 13, 2018, 16:46 (2376 days ago) @ onlyme

Adding a bit more

Previously known character habits and Connexions

Native of Blakeney Hill single has been working for Thomas WILLIAMS a quarryman (6m?) before that Mr JAMES of Lydney.


Conduct in Prison: Orderly.

Mary Parry

by onlyme, Thursday, September 13, 2018, 17:00 (2376 days ago) @ MPGriffiths

Is this the same family in the 1871 census or have I got it wrong ! same names

Mary Webb
Age: 43
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1828
Relation: Wife
Spouse's Name: William Webb
Gender: Female
Where born: Blakeney, Gloucestershire, England
Civil Parish: Newland
Ecclesiastical parish: Bream
Town: Yorkley
County/Island: Gloucestershire
Country: England
Registration district: Monmouth
Sub-registration district: Coleford
ED, institution, or vessel: 9
Household schedule number: 62
Piece: 5298
Folio: 124
Page Number: 13
Household Members:
Name Age
William Webb 53
Mary Webb 43
William Webb 10
James Webb 6
Fanny Webb 4
Mary Webb 1
James Morgan 30

Mary Parry

by MPGriffiths @, Thursday, September 13, 2018, 17:30 (2376 days ago) @ onlyme

The names of the children on the 1871 census - follow those on the 1861 census - so the same family. Ages can vary between census returns for whatever reason

1861 census Viney Well

William WEBB - unmarried - 40 Cordwainer Workman
Mary PARRY - Housekeeper unmarried aged 29 - born Awre
Charlotte - 1
William E - 1 month


Haven't gone this far back, but on the page before this census is a

Charles PARRY - aged 34 - Coalminer born West Dean
Fanny PARRY - 30
Fanny - 8
Esther - 4
Rhoda - 2

With the Christian name Fanny - just ? whether Charles & Mary are related.

There should be newspaper reports his William's trial etc etc.

Mary Parry

by MPGriffiths @, Thursday, September 13, 2018, 17:46 (2376 days ago) @ MPGriffiths

William Edwin PARRY is on the 1891 Census, aged 30 in Rotherham, Yorkshire with his family - says he was born Vinehil, Gloucestershire.

Ancestry has transcribed this as Vinchill, Gloucestershire

1891 Yorkshire Rotherham

12 Shaftsbury Sq


William Edwin - 30 - Coalminer, born Gloucester, Vinehill
Sarah Ann - 26 - born Hereford, Hereford
James Wm - son - 6 born Glos, Vinehill **

** Checking with Gloucestershirebmd

James William PARRY - birth registered 1884, Westbury on Severn, Newnham : Mother's maiden name JONES

will add more to this

Once again on Ancestry: There is a James William PARRY from Viney Hill in 1910 being drunk and in 1905 - and also WW1 records - so think the family came back to the Forest and married in Drybrook 24 February 1902 when he was aged 18 (father William PARRY deceased) to Comfort JOHNS.

Mary Parry

by onlyme, Thursday, September 13, 2018, 17:48 (2376 days ago) @ MPGriffiths

I think Mary died in 1884 in Westbury

Mary Parry

by MPGriffiths @, Thursday, September 13, 2018, 18:22 (2376 days ago) @ onlyme

It's just been pointed out to me, and haven't used this part of the Forest of Dean records before:

Under the heading: Resources, and bottom right is

Summary Convictions Register 1853-1879

Searching for PARRY and WEBB gives a number of 'hits' which includes Mary Parry in Ross

James PARRY in 1878, only 4' 3inches tall at the age of 15 - for stealing apples (probably starving)

also known to P.C. SMITH mother: Mary PARRY

Mary Parry

by onlyme, Thursday, September 13, 2018, 20:32 (2376 days ago) @ MPGriffiths

Oh my goodness, poor wee soul. That's so sad. So glad Elizabeth Sarah was 'rescued' by George Wheeler.

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