Mary Parry (General)

by Mike Pinchin @, Bedford, England, Wednesday, September 12, 2018, 23:09 (2375 days ago) @ onlyme

Another possibility?

BNA Gloucester Journal - Saturday 12 April 1879

COLEFORD POLICE COURT. Tuesday.— Before Sir James Campbell, Bart, (chairman), C. T. Palmer, and I. Trotter, Esqrs

Mary Parry, of Yorkley, appeared to a summons preferred by the School Board Authority on a charge of neglecting to send her children to school. Defendant said she had no boots for her children. Order made. Mrs. Parry was directed to apply to the guardians for boots.

This one is a bit speculative but there is clearly some kind of link to Chepstow.

BNA Gloucester Journal - Saturday 07 June 1873

WEDNESDAY —Before E. L. Kendall (chairman), C.F. Innell, J. Reynolds, E. V. Ellis, and W. Nicks, Esqrs, and Dr. Washbourn.
Various.—Mary Parry, charged with threatening to commit suicide, denied the charge, and, it appearing a lamentable case, the bench ordered her fare to be paid to Chepstow.

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