DNA Gough brick wall (General)

by aussie @, Tasmania, Australia, Monday, September 24, 2018, 12:14 (2364 days ago)


I'm really struggling to break down several brick walls. One in particular, our naughty boy Joseph Hales was the main subject of a bastardy bond and we have him to thank for an ancestor born about 1693 (possibly named Joseph Gough) via a widow, named Katherine Gough. We also have information from their wills etc. I've not yet found Katherine's marriage to her husband Mr Gough with any certainty. So I've no idea what Katherine's maiden name was, so that's a huge brick wall. Is there anyone who has Gough/Goff ancestors from around Iron Acton or Westerleigh who has done a DNA test?

Please excuse my ignorance and I'm sorry if those places are outside the FoD area, but I'm desperate to smash this brick wall while my elderly mother is still alive. We tested with FTDNA and have our kits on Gedmatch and MyHeritage, with the latter having the best chromosome analysis tools. I'm still in the process of sorting my FoD ancestors from Newnham. I rotate my brick walls to keep life interesting! There's a possibility that someone in our Gough ancestry was from Norway or Finland and it would be wonderful to ascertain that link to my DNA matches. Thanks in advance. Kind regards, Aussie

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