DNA Gough brick wall (General)

by aussie @, Tasmania, Australia, Monday, September 24, 2018, 12:14 (2364 days ago)


I'm really struggling to break down several brick walls. One in particular, our naughty boy Joseph Hales was the main subject of a bastardy bond and we have him to thank for an ancestor born about 1693 (possibly named Joseph Gough) via a widow, named Katherine Gough. We also have information from their wills etc. I've not yet found Katherine's marriage to her husband Mr Gough with any certainty. So I've no idea what Katherine's maiden name was, so that's a huge brick wall. Is there anyone who has Gough/Goff ancestors from around Iron Acton or Westerleigh who has done a DNA test?

Please excuse my ignorance and I'm sorry if those places are outside the FoD area, but I'm desperate to smash this brick wall while my elderly mother is still alive. We tested with FTDNA and have our kits on Gedmatch and MyHeritage, with the latter having the best chromosome analysis tools. I'm still in the process of sorting my FoD ancestors from Newnham. I rotate my brick walls to keep life interesting! There's a possibility that someone in our Gough ancestry was from Norway or Finland and it would be wonderful to ascertain that link to my DNA matches. Thanks in advance. Kind regards, Aussie

DNA Gough brick wall

by MPGriffiths @, Monday, September 24, 2018, 12:59 (2364 days ago) @ aussie

For the benefit of Forum Members

This subject has been discussed on Rootschat Gloucestershire.

Just to get an idea where the GOUGH(E)'s were in Gloucesteshire 1608

Men in Armour for Gloucestershire 1608

(which can be found on coaley.net)

Lists a number of Gough(e)'s - but none in Westerleigh or Iron Acton


The surname in 17th century was sometimes spelt GOFF

DNA Gough brick wall

by JaneyH ⌂ @, Tunbridge Wells, Kent, Monday, September 24, 2018, 13:32 (2364 days ago) @ aussie

I have five generations of Joseph Goughs in my family tree, so I was immediately interested in this! I haven’t got back as far as you, but here’s what I have:

Joseph Gough, dates unknown, my 7x GGF - name solely from baptism of son below
Joseph Gough, bap. 1740, Ashleworth, my 6x GGF
Joseph Gough, 1782-1855, Minsterworth, my 5x GGF
Joseph Gough, bap 1812, Minsterworth, my 5th Great Uncle (sister Mary Ann Gough is my 4x GGM)
Joseph Gough, b1851, Cheltenham, my 1C5R

Geographically these are a bit out from your family’s location but the repeated use of Joseph is such that it seemed worth sharing. By the way, did we have a brief email exchange about DNA results about a year ago? It was certainly someone in Australia with links to the Forest of Dean. I’ll look out the email this evening!

DNA Gough brick wall

by MPGriffiths @, Monday, September 24, 2018, 16:21 (2364 days ago) @ aussie

Checking with the National Archives : A2a

The National Archives, Kew
Prerogative Court of Catnerury and related Probate Jurisdictions: Will Register

Will of William GOUGHE or GOUGH, Husbandman of Westerleigh Gloucestershire

date: 5 May 1649

As Ancestry has

England & Wales, Prerogative Court of Canterbury Wills 1384-1858

The above Will is on Ancestry - and seems in good condition (haven't read through yet)

but Ancestry has transcribed this Will as

Name: William GOUGH (Willimi GOUGH)

Probate Date: 5 May 1649

Residence: Hendalshier, Glaster


Talks about his Sonnes : John & Samuell

daughter: Bezier? and Margaret

Wife Anne


National Archives - list in 1742

Westerleigh, Gloucestershire

Thos OLIVER v John GOFFE alias GOUGH (Adultery)

DNA Gough brick wall

by MPGriffiths @, Monday, September 24, 2018, 17:32 (2364 days ago) @ aussie

? Not sure how common the Christian name Katherine was 17th century

Searching the Forest of Dean Records - there are only about 66 baptisms between the year 1650 plus or minus 20 years.

Looking at the National Archives - and held at Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent County Record Office


Quit claim of actions etc. Katherine STEVENSON of Westerleigh (co. Glos)/Lady Stafford

DNA Gough brick wall

by ChrisW @, Monday, September 24, 2018, 21:26 (2364 days ago) @ aussie

Residence: Hendalshier, Glaster

Possibly Kendalshire?

DNA Gough brick wall

by Paul Andrews @, Shropshire, England, Wednesday, September 26, 2018, 20:01 (2362 days ago) @ ChrisW

The will reads: William Goughe of Kendasshier in the parrishe of St Westerleigh in the Countie of Gloster husbandman......etc...

Present day Kendleshire Golf Course is due west of Westerleigh.

The daughters mentioned in the will were Marie and Margaret.

DNA Gough brick wall

by aussie @, Tasmania, Australia, Saturday, October 20, 2018, 00:53 (2338 days ago) @ MPGriffiths

Thanks. I know about that site. The DNA aspect hasn't been raised by me in relation to Gough before.

For the benefit of Forum Members

This subject has been discussed on Rootschat Gloucestershire.

Just to get an idea where the GOUGH(E)'s were in Gloucesteshire 1608

Men in Armour for Gloucestershire 1608

(which can be found on coaley.net)

Lists a number of Gough(e)'s - but none in Westerleigh or Iron Acton


The surname in 17th century was sometimes spelt GOFF

DNA Gough brick wall

by aussie @, Tasmania, Australia, Saturday, October 20, 2018, 00:58 (2338 days ago) @ JaneyH

Hi Janey, Thanks for your message. Sorry for the late reply. The email notifications went to my email spam folder. Yes, bit far away but not impossible to have a connection. DNA might pick something up. Yes, your name rings a bell too, probably was in contact last year. :)

I have five generations of Joseph Goughs in my family tree, so I was immediately interested in this! I haven’t got back as far as you, but here’s what I have:

Joseph Gough, dates unknown, my 7x GGF - name solely from baptism of son below
Joseph Gough, bap. 1740, Ashleworth, my 6x GGF
Joseph Gough, 1782-1855, Minsterworth, my 5x GGF
Joseph Gough, bap 1812, Minsterworth, my 5th Great Uncle (sister Mary Ann Gough is my 4x GGM)
Joseph Gough, b1851, Cheltenham, my 1C5R

Geographically these are a bit out from your family’s location but the repeated use of Joseph is such that it seemed worth sharing. By the way, did we have a brief email exchange about DNA results about a year ago? It was certainly someone in Australia with links to the Forest of Dean. I’ll look out the email this evening!

DNA Gough brick wall

by aussie @, Tasmania, Australia, Saturday, October 20, 2018, 01:12 (2338 days ago) @ MPGriffiths

Thanks so much, MPGriffiths. I'll keep this in mind. William could be the grandfather of the Gough whom I estimate was born about 1655 or later, considering his wife (my ancestor) died in 1726. Her son, also my ancestor, born in 1693. Hypothetically, if she was age 60 when she died (that's probably pushing her luck in that era) she would have hypothetically been 27 in 1693. So my guesstimate of her first (and possibly only) husband's birth year is about right. Very intriguing!

Checking with the National Archives : A2a

The National Archives, Kew
Prerogative Court of Catnerury and related Probate Jurisdictions: Will Register

Will of William GOUGHE or GOUGH, Husbandman of Westerleigh Gloucestershire

date: 5 May 1649

As Ancestry has

England & Wales, Prerogative Court of Canterbury Wills 1384-1858

The above Will is on Ancestry - and seems in good condition (haven't read through yet)

but Ancestry has transcribed this Will as

Name: William GOUGH (Willimi GOUGH)

Probate Date: 5 May 1649

Residence: Hendalshier, Glaster


Talks about his Sonnes : John & Samuell

daughter: Bezier? and Margaret

Wife Anne


National Archives - list in 1742

Westerleigh, Gloucestershire

Thos OLIVER v John GOFFE alias GOUGH (Adultery)

DNA Gough brick wall

by aussie @, Tasmania, Australia, Saturday, October 20, 2018, 01:17 (2338 days ago) @ MPGriffiths

Thanks so much. :)

? Not sure how common the Christian name Katherine was 17th century

Searching the Forest of Dean Records - there are only about 66 baptisms between the year 1650 plus or minus 20 years.

Looking at the National Archives - and held at Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent County Record Office


Quit claim of actions etc. Katherine STEVENSON of Westerleigh (co. Glos)/Lady Stafford

DNA Gough brick wall

by aussie @, Tasmania, Australia, Saturday, October 20, 2018, 01:18 (2338 days ago) @ Paul Andrews

Thank you Chris and Paul. Much appreciated.

The will reads: William Goughe of Kendasshier in the parrishe of St Westerleigh in the Countie of Gloster husbandman......etc...

Present day Kendleshire Golf Course is due west of Westerleigh.

The daughters mentioned in the will were Marie and Margaret.

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