Hiam family (General)

by Mike Pinchin @, Bedford, England, Tuesday, October 09, 2018, 19:47 (2348 days ago) @ Janet25

There are two newspaper entries which may refer to William Rowe, the husband of Sarah Hiams,

BNA Worcester Journal - Saturday 05 August 1865

COWARDLY ASSAULT AT CLAINES.— William Rowe, employed at Messrs. Hardy and Padmore's iron foundry, in this city, was summoned for assaulting Mary Ann Russell, a married woman, living in the Droitwich-road, Claines. The complainant, who appeared to be very ill, and was accommodated with a chair, stated that on the evening of the 24th of July, between nine and ten o’clock, she was standing in the turnpike road, when she heard the defendant coming down the road in a drunken state, cursing and swearing very badly. She retired into her own garden. The defendant came up, got over the wall into the garden, and asked for complainant’s husband, but on being told he could not see him, he struck complainant a severe blow on the jaw, and several other blows about the body. The defendant’s wife arrived on the spot, and tried to get him away; he then turned upon her and beat her. Case dismissed on defendant paying the costs.

BNA Worcestershire Chronicle - Wednesday 05 August 1863

ASSAULTING THE POLICE.—William Rowe was charged with assaulting P.C. Rudniski in the execution of his duty. The constable stated that between twelve and one that morning he watched the prisoner loitering about through Lansdowne and Lansdowne Crescent, and, as his movements were suspicious, he took him into custody. The prisoner was very violent and violently resisted. The wife of the prisoner was in court and entreated the Bench to deal leniently with her husband. She had, she said, four young children, and had only been confined three weeks. Mr. Superintendent Power recommended the prisoner to the merciful consideration of the court, in which he was joined by Rudniski, who said he did not wish to press the charge. He was, therefore, cautioned and discharged.

If this latter entry really is William and Sarah Rowe there should be two more children after Elizabeth Louisa and Sarah Jane.

From the GRO index this looks like them,

ROWE, MARY ANN Mother's Maiden Surname: HYAMS
GRO Reference: 1861 D [fourth] Quarter in WORCESTER Volume 06C Page 269

ROWE, GEORGE ALFRED Mother's Maiden Surname: HYAMS
GRO Reference: 1863 S [third] Quarter in WORCESTER Volume 06C Page 281

No other children registered in Worcester up to 1873.

GR 1871 Census, Worcester St Clements

Alfred James HIAM, Head, Mar, 25, Glover, b. Worcester
Catherine, Wife, Mar, 26, Nottingham
Thomas, Son, 3, Worcester, St Clements
George ROWE, 7, Worcester, St Clements


Name: William Edward Roe
Event Type: Baptism
Baptism Date: 28 Feb 1836
Baptism Place: Cheltenham, St Mary, Gloucestershire, England
Parish as it Appears: Cheltenham
Father: Edward Roe
Mother: Jane Roe

GR 1851 Census, Worcester

Edmund AMPHLETT, Head, Mar, 31, White Smith, b. St ??????, Worcester
Emily, Wife, Mar, 31, Gloveress, Claines, Worcestershire
Rose, Daur, 10, Extra Parochial, Worcester
Emily Mary, Daur, 8, St Martins, Worcester
Louisa, Daur, 5, Extra Parochial, Worcester
Julia, Daur, 3, Extra Parochial, Worcester
Lydia, Daur, 1, Extra Parochial, Worcester
Wm Roe, Adopted Son, 15, White Smith, Cheltenham

(In 1861 William and Sarah are living next door to the Amphletts)

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