other BARTER Fish merchants, continued (General)

by Jefff @, West London, Middlesex, Wednesday, January 02, 2019, 04:45 (2264 days ago) @ Jefff


This appears to be the "other" Joseph William Barter, and the father of Edgar Bodenham Barter as discussed in the original post in Coleford. A little older than William Joseph Barter but also from Stroud.

Birth Details
Child Surname Child Forename Mother's Former Name Year District Office Register Entry
BARTER Joseph William COOK 1849 Stroud Stroud, Stroud 7 117

Is the mother Browning or Cook or ??

Looking for their parent's marriage clarifies,

Surname First name(s) District Vol Page
Marriages Jun 1846 (>99%)
Allaway Hannah Stroud 11 563
Barter William Stroud 11 563
Browning Eliza Stroud 11 563
Perry John Stroud 11 563

GlosBMD confirms, and shows that wife Eliza Browning was previously Eliza Cooke, so both William & Joseph are probably true brothers with same parents.

Marriage Details
Groom Surname Groom Forename Bride Surname Bride Forename District Parish Building Year Register Entry
BARTER William BROWNING Eliza Stroud Whiteshill St Paul 1846 C48/1 2
BARTER William COOKE Eliza Stroud Whiteshill St Paul 1846 C48/1 2

1841 Lower Ruscombe Street, Stroud, Gloucestershire, England
Household Role Sex Age Birthplace
Daniel Barter M 35-39 Gloucestershire
Esther Barter F 35-39 Gloucestershire
William Barter M 15-19 Gloucestershire
Esther Barter F 10 Gloucestershire
Mary Barter F 6 Gloucestershire
Hannah Barter F 4 Gloucestershire
Joseph Barter M 2 Gloucestershire

1851 Stroud, Gloucestershire, England
Household Role Sex Age Birthplace
Eliza Barter Head F 22 Married. Power Loom Weaver. Whites Hill, Gloucestershire
Emma Barter Daughter F 3 Whites Hill, Gloucestershire
Joseph Barter Son M 2 Whites Hill, Gloucestershire

(Not sure why father William isn't on this form, cannot find him anywhere ??).

In 1861 they've left Stroud and appear to be near the same Ross address where youngest son William (Joseph) Barter lives with his family in 1891, see earlier post.

1861 Brookend Street, Boro Ross, Herefordshire, Wales
Household Role Sex Age Birthplace
William Barter Head M 34 Salt dealer. Stroud, Gloucestershire
Eliza Barter Wife F 32 Stroud, Gloucestershire
Joseph W Barter Son M 11 Stroud, Gloucestershire
William Barter Son M 9 Stroud, Gloucestershire

1871 Ross, Ross, Herefordshire, England
Household Role Sex Age Birthplace
William Barter Head Male 45 Widowed. Grocer And Fish Dealer. Stroud, Gloucestershire
William J Barter Son Male 19 Salesman. Stroud, Gloucestershire
Benjamin Barter Son Male 12 Ross, Herefordshire
Thomas Barter Son Male 3 Ross, Herefordshire
Eliza Selina Barter Daughter Female 17 Stroud, Gloucestershire

1871 Walford, Herefordshire, England
Household Role Sex Age Birthplace
Henry Boainhew Head M 48 Farmer. Huntley, Gloucestershire
Emma Boainhew Wife F 41 Whitfield, Gloucestershire
Adline Boainhew Daughter F 9 Wolford, Herefordshire
Manley Son M 10 Wolford, Herefordshire
Russell Boainhew Son M 5 Wolford, Herefordshire
Joseph Barter Son-in-law M 21 Fish Monger. Shroud, Gloucestershire
Caroline Barter Daughter F 18 Wolford, Herefordshire
Alice Meek Servant F 18 Sinderford, Gloucestershire

1881 High Steet, Ross, Herefordshire, England, United Kingdom
Household Role Sex Age Birthplace
William J Barter Head M 29 Fishmonger Employing 1 Man. Whits Hill, Gloucestershire, England
Sarah E Barter Wife F 30 Hentland, Herefordshire, England
Emily R Barter Daughter F 7 Coleford, Gloucestershire, England
Elizabeth A Barter Daughter F 5 Coleford, Gloucestershire, England
Henry W Barter Son M 4 Ross, Herefordshire, England
Lilie A Barter Daughter F 3 Ross, Herefordshire, England
Ellenore M Barter Daughter F 0 Ross, Herefordshire, England
Emma L Salter Visitor F 16 Dressmaker. Coleford, Gloucestershire, England
Emily Williams Servant F 15 General Servant (Dom). Llangarron, Herefordshire, England

For 1881 etc for Joseph William Barter see first post in thread, in Monmouth.

1911 Monmouth, Monmouthshire, England
Household Role Sex Age Birthplace
Joseph William Barter Head M 61 FISH MERCHANT. Whites Hill, Gloucestershire
Caroline Barter Wife F 58 Stroud Glas Walford, Herefordshire
Ethel Addie Bodinham Barter Daughter F 27 Ross Monmouth, Herefordshire
Mabel Carrie Bodinham Barter Daughter F 23 Monmouth, Monmouthshire
Russell Bodinham Barter Daughter M 20 ASSISTANT IN BUSINESS. Manchester Canada
Gladys Mendmore Servant F 19 Orcop, Herefordshire

Canada ??, perhaps linked to father's fish business ?.
Familysearch shows Russell IS a boy not "daughter", born in MANITOBA, Canada, ref 1891 Canada Census and his WW1 British Army Service Corps records.

Marriage Details
Groom Surname Groom Forename Bride Surname Bride Forename District Parish Building Year Register Entry
BARTER Russell Bodinham WICKS Minnie Forest of Dean Cinderford Baptist Chapel 1920 3 22

Surname First name(s) Mother/Spouse/Age District Vol Page
Deaths Dec 1950 (>99%)
Barter Russell B 59 Abergavenny 8c 36


And meanwhile father William is still at Brookend Street.

1881 Brookend St, Ross, Herefordshire, England
Household Role Sex Age Birthplace
William Barter Head M 54 Fish & Fruit Merchant Employing 4 Men. Stroud, Gloucestershire, England
Maria Barter Wife F 50 Stroud, Gloucestershire, England
Ann Barter Daughter F 19 Ross, Herefordshire, England
Maria Barter Daughter F 16 Ross, Herefordshire, England
Thomas Barter Son M 12 Scholar. Ross, Herefordshire, England
Benjamin Cook Father In Law M 79 Widower. Formerly Weaver. Stroud, Gloucestershire, England

1891 Henry Street, Ross, Herefordshire, England.
Household Role Sex Age Birthplace
William Barter Head M 64 General Dealer Retired. Gloucestershire, England
Maria Barter Wife F 60 Gloucestershire, England
Thomas Barter Son M 22 Monumental Sculptor. Herefordshire, England
Alice Williams Servant F 20 Domestic Servant. Monmouth, Monmouthshire, England

Surname First name(s) Age District Vol Page
Deaths Dec 1894
Barter Maria 63 Ross 6a 280

Surname First name(s) Age District Vol Page
Deaths Jun 1899
Barter William 73 Ross 6a 316

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