Possible daughter of Jepeath James (Uncle Warren FoD Riots) (General)

by Gill @, Saturday, January 26, 2019, 02:41 (2240 days ago) @ mcowan


Apologies about the delay in replying to your information. I inadvertently forgot to tick the email reminder box and it's been a few days since I last checked the site.

Many thank’s for your information. A coincidence that there is a baptism within a few months of each other with the same names as your Jeptha 1755-1817 (Mary) and Richard 1727-1767 (Sarah). Obviously your Richard and Sarah cannot be the Richard and Sarah in the 1798 baptism but maybe a possible family member. Jeptha and Mary parents of Elizabeth, baptism May 20 1798 could that possibly be your Jeptha James 1755-1817 child a sister of Jeptha James 1788-1867?

My Elizabeth (James ) (1798-1876) married James Wintle (1797 -1873 ) 14 Sept 1823 in Newlands
Elizabeth and James did not name any of their 9 children Jeptha or Richard. So maybe a totally different family.

As you say I may never know.

It was helpful getting your dates as all the information assists with the ‘jig saw’.

Cheers Gill ‘

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