Building of Cinderford (East Dean) new Town Hall c1867 (General)

by Mike Pinchin @, Bedford, England, Thursday, February 21, 2019, 20:50 (2213 days ago) @ Jefff

I can see a couple of DURKs either in Cardiff or who became associated with it and who could have been the ones involved with the work in Cinderford. There are quite a few newspaper references to suits against Frederick in particular who seems to have been reluctant to pay wages.

GR 1861 Census, Cardiff
William K DURK, Head, Mar, 24, Builder, b. Taunton, Somerset

GR 1871 Census, Bristol, Fishponds, Ridgeway
Frederick DURK, Head, Mar, 38, Builder and Brickmaker, Somerset, Taunton
+wife, five children and a servant

Gr 1891 Census, Cardiff, Nelson Terrace
In the household of John WIGGINS, 46, Coal Tipper
Frederick DURKE, Visitor, Mar, 58, Builder, Somerset, Taunton

I imagine they were brothers,

GR 1851 Census, Taunton, Shoreditch

Henry DURK, Head, Mar, Carpenter, Master, employing ?? men, Somerset, Orchard Portman
Frederick, Son, Un, 18, Carpenter, Somerset, Taunton
William, Son, Un, 14, Carpenter, Somerset, Taunton
+ wife and nine other children

The notice of Frederick’s bankruptcy (published 23 Feb 1869) shows that he was resident in Newnham at least for a while.

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