Rev George Neighbour (Photo Gallery)

by Friendly_Neighbour @, Monday, April 08, 2019, 14:32 (2165 days ago) @ probinson

I am so sorry I am a month late responding to an act of genuine kindness, but I had no notification that there were additional posts and so I hadn't logged-on to the forum. I am so glad, on the off-chance, that I just have because the photograph is utterly brilliant! Thank you so much for taking the time and making the effort to photograph the grave for me. I am sure it will make my Nan cry.

You are very big-hearted and your efforts are hugely appreciated, Peter. Thank you so much for doing this.

I don't know how I am able to accept your offer of a higher res version, but if I can't work it out this will more than suffice. A warm handshake from me and my grandmother x

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