rock house lydbrook (General)

by Jefff @, West London, Middlesex, Thursday, October 24, 2019, 02:31 (1968 days ago) @ probinson

To be honest Peter despite Lydbrook being my Dad's home area, I barely know it and have only been thro' the village a couple of times in my life. Several editions of the old OS maps show the same "Hillview House" in the centre of Lydbrook, eg look left of the "L" in "LYDBROOK" on this later edition.

You can see that just across the railway line there are two pubs abt equi-distant away. I think the lower one(on the map, NOT down the valley/road owards the Wye) is the Prince of Wales, and the one above it on the map is the Bush. If you then follow the railway line and road down the map, past the station and thro Upper Lydbrook, you'll see a "Hillside House" near Camomile Green. To the right is "B.H." for beerhouse, this was the Jovial Colliers pub. All three are long closed. In the early 1900s there were several pubs in the village and surrounding area, as Geoff Sandles' recently-revised Glospubs website shows, it's just a shame there isn't a map labelling which is which haha, but I have a book which also helps identify which is which. As the GlosPubs site shows several pubs were run by JONES' at one time or another, some were Colleen's ancestors, others were mine, but not related - there's a heckuva lot of Jones' in the area !

This prior thread covers Colleen's Jones ancestors at the pub in more detail.

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