Annie/Amy Taylor b abt 1869 Coleford (Parish Records)

by Mike Pinchin @, Bedford, England, Saturday, November 30, 2019, 13:36 (1929 days ago) @ cassandra

This report may be of significance since it associates an Esther TAYLOR, recently in the Monmouth Workhouse, with an Edwin ABBOT who she apparently lived with during the time the three children were born.

BNA Monmouthshire Beacon - Saturday 08 July 1871


Esther Taylor was summoned for assaulting Ann Hoare, Whitecliff, the 28th ult. The defendant said she went down to Abbot’s house, and the complainant caught hold of her throat to choke her. She then struck her. Complainant said that defendant came to Edwin Abbot's house on the day in question while she (complainant) was indoors. Defendant went up stairs searched the bedrooms and threw some bed clothes out of the window into the street. She (complainant) told defendant she would not have that. Defendant had not lived with Abbot for ten months, and had lately been living with a married man at Clearwell, since which time she bad been in the Union. While defendant was throwing the things out of the window she (complainant) remonstrated with her and the defendant threatened to put a knife into her. Defendant caught hold her by the hair of her head and beat her till the neighbours forced her to leave off. Defendant said she went to Whitecliff for her goods. She had been in the Monmouth Union while Abbot had been keeping the complainant. When she (defendant) went into the house the complainant ran at her, caught hold of her by the throat, and tried to strangle her. She (defendant) only threw a bed quilt which belonged to her out of the window. She had lived with Abbot fifteen years, and when she knew him he was only worth the clothes he was wearing. Defendant was bound over in her own recognizance in the sum of 5 keep the peace for six months. As she was being taken of out the court, she saw Abbot and attempted to pitch into him, but was prevented by the police. She was taken down to the cells for short time to get cool.

GR 1861 Census, Coleford, Incline Pitch

Edward ABBOT, Head, Mar, 36, Chimney Sweep, b. Not known
Esther, Wife, Mar, 27, Gloster, Coleford
John JOHNSON, Step-son, 4, Gloster, Coleford
Elizabeth TAYLER, Mother-in-Law, Wid, 70, Gloster, Coleford

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