Fletcher family (General)

by philrmoon11, Friday, December 06, 2019, 11:46 (1925 days ago)


Can do with some help please

Kenneth Fletcher b Hereford abt 1928 his mother his given as pritchard

His half brother mansel Fletcher b 1939 Ross district

Trying to find their parents

They lived on the doward whitchurch

Both passed away now

Regards Phil

Fletcher family

by Jefff @, West London, Middlesex, Friday, December 06, 2019, 17:34 (1925 days ago) @ philrmoon11

my first suggestion would be to look on FreeBMD for Marriages twixt Fletcher and Prichard, have you tried this ?

There are a couple of possibles given the location and dates, but I'd lean towards the following;

Surname First name(s) Spouse District Vol Page
Marriages Dec 1920 (>99%)
Fletcher Harry Pritchard Monmouth 11a 93
Pritchard Lily M Fletcher Monmouth 11a 93

Then work from there, 1911 Census and 1939 Register should help.


Similarly for Mansel.
Not sure why you say half-brother, did their father marry wife's sister, perhaps ?

Surname First name(s) Mother/Spouse District Vol Page
Births Dec 1939 (>99%)
Fletcher Mansel S G Pritchard Ross 6a 1365


Fletcher family

by MPGriffiths @, Friday, December 06, 2019, 17:39 (1925 days ago) @ Jefff



Marriage at Hereford, 1 Jun 1925

William FLETCHER aged 36 (birth date 1889)

father: John FLETCHER

Spouse: Dorothy Linda PRITCHARD (age 18) birth date 1907
father: Thomas Charles PRITCHARD

Fletcher family

by philrmoon11, Friday, December 06, 2019, 18:31 (1925 days ago) @ Jefff

Thanks for the right married couple

Harry Fletcher and lily pritchard m 1920 Monmouth

Best wishes Phil

Fletcher family

by Jefff @, West London, Middlesex, Saturday, December 07, 2019, 01:05 (1924 days ago) @ philrmoon11

On further thought, given you say the boys were born in Hereford and then Ross districts, perhaps MPG's suggestion is more likely - I was thinking of Whitchurch when I suggested the Monmouth marriage.

Given this possible doubt, plus the length of time between the two births, I'd still strongly recommend using the 1939 Register to back-up what is currently just a guess, at least on my part.
Apart from hopefully placing baby Mansel with his parents in the same household, you may find Kenneth is there too, or nearby.


Update: oops, sorry Phil. Seeing as baby Mansel's birth wasn't registered until the Oct-Dec quarter of 1939, it's likely he wasn't actually born when the 1939 register was taken on 29th September, but worth looking for him just in case.

Fletcher family

by philrmoon11, Sunday, December 08, 2019, 21:11 (1923 days ago) @ Jefff


How do I find if they are on the 1939 register ??

Some help needed

Regards Phil

Fletcher family - 1939 Register

by Jefff @, West London, Middlesex, Monday, December 09, 2019, 00:15 (1922 days ago) @ philrmoon11

Hi Phil,
you need to use the FindMyPast or Ancestry subscription websites to access the 1939 Register. Sorry but I don't currently have subs to either. However we can still get some idea of what is on the Register using FindMyPast's free search engine.

In this case, searching Kenneth Fletcher born Hereford 1928 gives;


Fletcher Household; Stable Cottage, Leominster and Wigmore Rural District, Herefordshire, England

First name Last name(s) Birth year
Kenneth R Fletcher 1928
Frances A Fletcher and 2 more people are on this record.



Phil, does this new name Frances, or the place, fit what you know ??


Searching FreeBMD gives these records which seem relevant.
HOWEVER it appears to be a different set of parents than first believed ??

Births Dec 1928 (>99%)
Fletcher Kenneth R Jorden Leominster 6a 719

Searching FreeBMD for Marriages between Fletcher & Jorden gives no hits. I suspect JordEn is a mis-spelling, so repeat with JordAn.

So now find;

Surname First name(s) Spouse District Vol Page
Marriages Jun 1927 (>99%)
FLETCHER George T Jordan Leominster 6a 1295
JORDAN Frances A Fletcher Leominster 6a 1295

So clearly the mother's name matches one of those in the abovementioned 1939 Register Entry.

HOWEVER it looks like a different family than the one we suggested before (Fletcher/Pritchard).


This may be because that your Kenneth's record may still be "closed" so won't be found when searching.


Repeating the FindMyPast 1939 search for Mansel Fletcher born 1939 gives no hits.


Revisiting earlier research, if the parents are indeed Harry Fletcher & Lily M Prichard who married Monmouth District in 1920.

As we have her middle name#s initial, Lily may be easier to find than Harry.
This looks a good possibility for her;

Births Jun 1896 (>99%)
Pritchard Lily Mary Monmouth 11a 32

Sadly cannot find her in this FoD site's PRs.

Searching for her, and so hopefully her family, in the 1939 Register seems to only give one "local" hit which may be her.

Fletcher household; Summer House, Ross and Whitchurch R.D., Herefordshire, England
First name Last name(s) Birth year
Mary L Fletcher 1896
John James Gwyn and 4 more people are on this record
4 more people who are officially closed


Please Phil do you know any more definite facts about this family apart from the 2 boys names, eg parents definite names, or location, etc ?


Fletcher family - 1939 Register

by philrmoon11, Monday, December 09, 2019, 00:56 (1922 days ago) @ Jefff


Summer house is the address lily mary pritchard has her name switched round to mary l fletcher ( nee pritchard)
The person named gwyn was the person she was living with and some of her later children were born gwyn ( yet registered fletcher )
Summer house is in whitchurch on the doward )

Thanks for the information Jeff

Merry xmas and a happy new year 2020 to all the FOD researchers and their families

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