link between Westbury and Bitton (Documents Articles)

by MPGriffiths @, Friday, December 13, 2019, 14:33 (1917 days ago) @ JaneyH

For Starters.....

There is a Will on Ancestry - dated 1744 for

Thomas COAL of Bitton - Yeoman - signed at the end COLE

He mentions various sons i.e. William & Samuel *and some daughters (with their married names) -

Samuel christened at Westerleigh - 12 March 1709

this is best guess

Mary ANGOL (Widow)
Sarah BONNOT - wife of Samuel
Elizabeth CHANEL/CHAMBERS wife of Philip
Hannah ILES - wife of Samuel (Hannah COAL christened 13 November 1715 - Westerleigh - father: Thomas COAL

(Samuel ILES of Bitton - Will 1749 is on Ancestry - mentions his Wife Hannah, and children Samuel & Hannah)

? not sure age of Thomas when he died


Men in Armour for Gloucester 1608

Westbury on Severn (Lower Ley)

William BELLAMY - tanner - A40 (age around 40) - tallest stature

Westbury on Severn (Rodley)

Thomas BELLAMY - tanner A40 - tallest stature

Westbury on Severn (adcet part of the manor of Rodley)

Richard BELLEMY - tanner - tallest stature

Tortworth (South Glos. Wotton-under-Edge

William BELLAMY servant to Uswell Bellshere - A20 - lower stature


Checking with Gloucestershire Genelogical Database


Robert COOL - 1746 - coalminers

Isaac COOL - 1740 - bitton/oldland - coal miner

Charles COOL - 1794 - bitton/hanham


There are COOL(E) marriages at Bitton - on the Licences Section of this website and include George 1719 and Hester 1719 , Amy - 1728, Frances - 1747


A Number of early COOL marriages at BITTON etc


Mary COOLE married Willm LACY - 24 Mar 1754, Bitton, Gloucester (tree on Ancestry)

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