Stephen William Arthur Presley born 1921 Monmouthshire (General)

by Jefff @, West London, Middlesex, Sunday, February 09, 2020, 18:29 (1860 days ago) @ admin

Hi Belinda,
just to clarify and as stated above, you can find the likely offspring via the FreeBMD site, just enter both parents' surnames and search for Births. Suggest at first don't try to filter the district or county as the results are listed in a format that's easy to browse thro. If I recall correctly the FreeBMD site only covers up to the late 1960s or so, but not much more recent than that, for which you need look elsewhere eg Ancestry.

If you wish to research your earlier ancestors, searching this forum for related posts gives this prior thread which is hopefully of interest to you.

Good luck in your future researches.

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