Forest House, Viney Hill (General)

by paul halford @, Monday, June 08, 2020, 07:18 (1739 days ago)

My gt gt uncle, Edwin Halford, lived in Forest House near All Saints church Viney Hill. He is registered t that address in the 1911 census and died at that address in 1956. I have a photograph of Forest House with All Saints church in the background taken approx 1910-1920 co I have a rough idea where it should be. I can find no mention of it on old maps and looking at present day maps, it would seem the house does not exist anymore. Does anyone have any information on Forest House? When it was built or what happened to it. My 2x gt uncle and his father, Nehemiah Halford, were stone masons so I always imagined that one or the other built the house.


Paul Halford

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