Marriage (Parish Records)

by MPGriffiths @, Wednesday, October 14, 2020, 17:26 (1610 days ago) @ Gordon James

My husband decends from a long, long line of Coopers.

Ancestry does have

Register of Appentices etc.

23 August 1802

Master: Matthew TAYLOR. City of Bristol. occupation: Cooper

Apprentice: John FARRARS


Matthew TAYLOR, married Esther PENRY, 1786, at Bristol

Matthew TAYLOR, married Sarah GILLETT - 29 August 1809, Bristol

Marriage on Ancestry

By Licence:

29 August 1809

Matthew TAYLOR, of St James in this City, (COOPER) and Sarah GILLETT of this Parish - married by Licence.

in the presence of William POWNALL, Mary BOLTON, Thos HARRIS.

Assume Matthew & Sarah TAYLOR - are the parents of the children mentioned ....


Bristol, Non-Confirmist Baptist, Marriage and Burials 1793-1838

Wm James TAYLOR, son of Matthew & Hester TAYLOR from the Parish of St Nicholas was buried 29 July 1794in No. 3 by mr Thos VASEY


Burial at Bristol St James
MATTHEW TAYLOR, aged 68 c 1769 : residence: St Peter's Hospital

Burial at Bristol St James
SARAH TAYLOR, aged 62 yeares c 1783 - residence: St Peter's Hospital


The burial in 1837 - you mention, the year of birth given for Matthew TAYLOR is 1769 -


The Licence in 1809, could show whether, Matthew was a Widower - or whether Matthew - who married Sarah TAYLOR was Matthew Jnr? ??

Used to be able to check Bristol Wills on line - but seems unavailable now.

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