Benjamin and Ruth Smith's family at Five Acres (General)

by Forest Freda, Monday, November 09, 2020, 17:07 (1585 days ago) @ sidtoomey01

Hello Sid, Both I know the sons ( Amos and Frank Smith went to NSW coalfields between the wars and I would so like to try and name some sepia tint photos I inherited from my mum. I would love to know which house in Five Acres was Benjamin and Ruth's. It sold for £120 according to a postcard sent back to their daughter Jessie. It had a cellar and you could hear miners working beneath it???? My Granny was their daughter Jessie Smith who married Thomas Marchant in 1916 at Coleford. By the time she married her father Benjamin was dead. He had been a freeminer like his father Edward Smith (born 1819) also a freeminer.
I also know my mother's Aunt and Uncle owned Beaulieu farm near Staunton at some point, but that it was taken over in WW2 as he wasn't a good farmer as his sheep leapt off his horsedrawn cart when he drove back from Monmouth. They were referred to as Uncle Mont and Auntie Lyle. I also knew of an Aunty Nell who lived at and owned cottages in the Scowles and must have died in the 1970s?? They were related to the Smiths? Not sure how.
I am keen to find out as much as I can both about forebears and descendants.
Many thanks for answering my query. It would be great to find out where to look, and to make some reasonable guesses about who's who!!!

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