Family Names Green & Lane Drybrook 1900's (General)

by MPGriffiths @, Sunday, January 17, 2021, 14:43 (1516 days ago) @ MPGriffiths

Looking at the 1911 Summary Book on Ancestry

Mr Green
Mr Boseley
Nr Nicholls
Mrs Stephens
Mr Morris
Mr Thomas

and the

Loqnieis ? Farms - Boughton
ditto : 2 barns
ditto: 2 Stables
Lognieio - Private House - Mr Phillips

So a few doors away from Mr Green - is

Abraham BOUGHTON (wife Ada) - at Loquiers Farm, Harry Hill, (7 seven rooms) Farmer, and Collier Hewer, the six younger children

all born Harry Hill

There is a previous thread on Loquiers Farm

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