Hawkins Family of Newland and Coleford (General)

by Woollysheep, Thursday, January 21, 2021, 13:49 (1512 days ago)

I have used your excellent resources here (and Ancestry) to research my ancestors back 10 generations (mainly named William or Thomas Hawkins) to Richard Hawkins, son of Henry and Jane baptised 1677. Most were baptised, married and buried at Newland. Most were listed as stonemason, quarryman, stonecutter. My branch of the family left the area in 1880's when my Great-Grandfather Thomas (born 1855) moved to Yorkshire to work in a quarry (although he did return for a while). I would like to understand what life was like for the generations between 1600s to 1880s living around Newland and involved in quarrying. Could anyone recommend any books/ resources about living in that area and/or working with stone. Thanks

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