Wiltons of Newland (General)

by sidtoomey01 @, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, Saturday, June 26, 2021, 00:49 (1356 days ago) @ ddambly

Hi again

Re James Wilton's place of Birth, have you considered Bristol which in the 18th Century was 2nd or 3rd largest trading port in England ?
Bristol, according to my limited knowledge of geography is just across the Bristol Channel from Cardiff and then Glamorganshire.

There is an entry in the 1754 Bristol Poll Book for a James Wilton (page115) who was a Mason and lived in the Parish of St. Philip and Jacob. Too early to have been your James but perhaps his parent or relation.

Then there are Wiltons who crop up in Warminster Wiltshire which is also not too far from Bristol.

Hope this helps.

Sid Toomey

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