Yemm of Lydbrook - George in Yorks 1881 ? (General)

by Rodney Smith, Monday, September 13, 2021, 12:20 (1276 days ago) @ Sarah

My great grandmother was. Mary Ann Yemm .

She, and other family members moved from the forest of dean , north to Leigh in Lancashire where she married a Brown / Blears. (found out Blears name was changed to Brown by Thomas Blears who was in trouble for stealing sheep, etc..!).

Doris Brown, daughter of Mary Ann Blears was my Grandmother, and Barbra Brown (Eaton) was my mother. Doris Brown (Blears) and family were very much connected to the Salvation Army in Leigh, and whenn she died having my mum, the whole town came to a standstill.
Unfortunatly, Doris passed away after having my mum, but I still have photographs of Mary Yemm. and Doris.

Rodney Smith

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