Abendego/Bendigo/Ben Selby 1871 (General)

by Imogenselby, Sunday, January 02, 2022, 18:09 (1168 days ago) @ selbyfamily

Hi Sheila, my name is Imogen selby. My dad is Jonathan selby, he posted on here back in 2013 reaching out asking for any information about our family. My grandad was John Barrie selby and my great, great, great grandad was Shadrach selby. I have found small bits of information about my family but would like too know more, I have seen your name pop up a few times now whilst searching. I don’t suppose you can help guide me in the right direction into finding out more? We used too be in contact with relatives in Australia but have since lost touch. Would love too know if anyone can help me. Thanks

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