Dr Abel (General)

by sidtoomey01 @, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, Saturday, February 26, 2022, 22:39 (1110 days ago) @ Kate


Re Dr. John Abell, your Ancestor.
Am I correct that this is John Robert William Abell ?
There is a good photo of him in a top hat and a photo of what might be him and family and servants outside the front of "Forrest Lodge". It is on Ancestry.
If you are interested in more detailed information about him and his father Joseph, the one time Army Surgeon let me know. I am now intrigued by Josephs time in the Army and am going to explore it more for my own interest if nothing else.
If you put your email address into the box provided on the Forum, I can communicate through there.

If other Forum members might be interested in Joseph and the Army, reply to this post and i can continue to put information on the Forum .

Sid Toomey

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