The Tovey name in the Forest of Dean (Parish Records)

by martyn @, Monday, April 25, 2022, 09:16 (1052 days ago) @ grahamdavison

The grandmother`s name has been mistranscribed, it should be ANN KENDALL who is the grandmother of Annie Matilda.

Searching I have found:

Annie Matilda Knight dau of Oliver Knight & Matilda Kendall born 1877.

Matilda Kendall dau of Elias Kendall & Ann Wall, so Ann Kendall (nee Wall) is Annie Matilda`s grandmother, which doesn`t help with the Tovey`s!!

Brilliant - that's why I couldn't find her previously. As you say, the Tovey connection is still elusive, but thank you so much for piecing this together.

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