Mrs Annie Abell (General)

by sidtoomey01 @, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, Thursday, July 07, 2022, 07:34 (980 days ago) @ Kate


Ancestry has two immigration records for an Annie Nichols. My subscription doesn't extend to Canada or the USA so i cant provide any more details.
I believe she might have died there 16th September 1961 at Cobble Hill, British Columbia. This information has come from a family tree for another of the Abell descendants who also lives in British Columbia.
I can provide you with an email address but to do so i need your email address to send it to (publishing it on the forum is not recommended)
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I could then send you more detailed information on the Abell ancestors in Gloucestershire as well as their service in the British Army.

e.g. Did you know that there is a handwritten record of your ancestor Lieutenant Thomas Abell (approx 1793-1831 India) while part of a convoy en route with his regiment to Madras India, boarding another ship in the Southern Atlantic ocean off the coast of South America. He bought some oranges and reboarded his ship. This record also confirms that his wife was on board with him, so this clears up what happened to her after their marriage but before she claimed his army pension after his unfortunate death.

Sid Toomey.

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