Thomas and Martha Harris of Westbury on Severn (General)

by Definitely_maybe, Wednesday, September 07, 2022, 20:31 (918 days ago) @ Chillyvon

Hello Yvonne,

Nice to hear from you.

I am not in the Forest of Dean area but based on my research my best estimate as to the location of Horsepool Bottom is here

I agree my records show Thomas and Martha moving from Gloucestershire to Middlesbrough, back to Gloucestershire, then back to Middlesbrough! I have not been able to figure out a logical reason as to why. I do know Thomas was a coal miner which may explain.

One of the members on this forum pointed me in direction of martha malsons origins. Thomas remains a bit of a mystery though still researching on a part time basis. Please get in touch if interested in sharing information.


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